Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Last Response!!

Image result for child reading under a tree

Hello Readers!!

For your last response of fourth grade, let's reflect. Please tell me how you've grown as a reader; be sure to be specific and support it with a good explanation. In your response, be sure to tell me how you plan on continuing this growth as you get older and more experienced as a reader. :)

<3, Mrs. Cucinotti


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  2. If I could think of any strategy I have improved in during reading I Think would be independently reading. I have gone from skipping words that I did not now the meaning to, to stopping and using context clues to help me figure the tricky word out. How I will make sure I remember to use this strategy in the future is to make sure I don't just skip right past it so that I learn if I ever see that word, again.

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    1. sorry I went into my mom's account :)

  4. I would start to first read fluently so I can get the jist of what I'm reading. Next If I got stuck on a word or if I don't know what it means I would try to figure out how to to say the word. And for the meaning I would use the context clues to help me out. Finally I would jot down the important details to find out the main idea, That's how I'v grown to be more experienced reader.

  5. This year I learned to understand what I'm reading better. I now can find key words in the paragraph. I now can try to think about what I just read. How I can keep this up is by doing it all of the time.

  6. This year i have started to read more sophisticated books. At the beginning of the year I tried to read read harry potter, and then gave up. But now I really enjoy it. I also feel i can understand books better. All thanks to the best teacher ever.

  7. This year I have started to read fluently.One way I this by putting a finger on the row and the other finger on the word i am reading.Another way I this was a used a blank a sheet of paper and fold and i put the sheet of paper on the line i am reading.:)

    1. That is a good idea I'm going to try that ! :)

  8. One goal I achevied as my goal for reading through this year is reading fluently and understanding the paragraphs in the books i'm reading. How im doing this is using my finger to point at each sentence, and for my other goal i've been starting to stop and jot at home and same at school but only thinking:). That are all the goals i've achevied through my year through my 4 grade year at Sharoon school.

  9. I have grown as a reader because i now know how to figure out words i don't know . like the word fundamentals. that word means basics the things you need to know before something. I figured that out by reading the whole sentence witch said " i have to do ballet fundamentals class before the advanced class. That is how i have grown as a reader

  10. Ive grown as a reader by using context clues to figure out words. I figure out the word by looking at what is around it. Let us say the world was independence. I would look at the sentence and find out what the word means. I can also now understand the paragraphs in the books i'm reading which helps me get what a book is about this is how Ive grown as a reader.

  11. Ive grown as a reader by using context clues to help me figure out stuff I don't knowand I use to read small books and was afaried to read big books but now I am on the look out for books I might like to read.When i was younger I was lazy and just wanted to read small books but now small books board me and I try and tackle the big ones.

  12. What I progressed well with was my fluency. It was not very good at the beginning of the year. I know this because my report card in reading was a 2!(earlier on this year.) I progressed a lot because now I have 3’s and 4’s. In the future, I will try to read even harder books.This shows how much better I am with my fluency from before to now!!

  13. I think I've grown as a reader because I've been reading more fluently out loud and I've learned how to figure out what difficult words mean using context clues. First, I have to look at the words around it, and then use those words to find the meaning. I've also learned how to find out the main idea to better understand what I'm reading. First, I have to find the important details, and then, I've got it! Overall, this is how I've grown as a reader from the beginning of the year, to the end of the year.

  14. I think that I have grown over this year in reading because I am understanding what I am reading better. I think that because when I read it makes sense and I remember what happened. In the beginning of the year I didn't really understand my books the way I do now. I think I am understanding my books better because I am reading harder books. In conclusion, I am understanding my books better than earlier in the year.

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  16. I think I have grown this year from reading because last year I was on a low reading level but this year I have improved a lot. I am currently reading bigger chapter books and books that interest me. I will continue this growth in the future by moving on to bigger books as the years go by. Overall, I learned a lot about reading this year and I think I improved a lot!!!

  17. My strategy is that I use context clues on hard words that makes me understand the book better. I do this by make different words out of it that would make sense/match in the sentence. Another thing I do is that I find the main idea and key details. I do this by thinking up the moral then find the sentence that tells you the lesson then find sentences that support it. This is how I've grown as a reader.

  18. The Way I Have Been Improving And Growing This Year Would Have To Be. Context clues. I never knew what context clues were. Until this yea. Sure, I knew how to find a word out before this year. But the Context clues this year were a lot better than past ones (Thanks to you.) :) Also, I think i've been reading more fluently this past year toward's the end. In the beginning of the year i was okay but I stuttered a lot. But now I feel as if I don't or not as much. Thank You For The Best Year Of School Ever!! "Best Teacher Ever At Sharon." - Jamison. :))

    1. I Don't Know Why My Name Isn't There But This Is Jamison ^

    2. Oh It Came Back That Was Weird ??

  19. The way I have grown was from reading because in 3rd grade I didn't read as much as I do now and this year made me a much better reader. One thing that i can make this for next year is to read everyday just like this year. That will do it and make me a better reader than this year.

  20. Over the school year I have grown as a reader because sometimes I use to rush threw a book and not understand what it said. Now sense I was taught to slow down my reading I understand the whole book. That's what I improved on this school year. Thank you for helping me learn and improve.

  21. over the school year I've as a Reader because in third Grade I couldn't read "Percy Jackson" Books but know I'm halfway though the series. That's what fourth grade did to my reading skills

  22. Over the school year I think the strategy I've grown most is slowing down reading. I use to read really fast and wouldn't stop to identify the context clues and I didn't get the main idea but this year I've started slowing down and understanding the main idea and finding the context clues.

  23. I have grown up as a reader because I can read much harder books now and I like to challenge myself. Also like to ask myself questions about the text. This year I also started identifying the main idea and important details that help me understand the text. I also would rush through a book but now I slow down and think about the text.

  24. It is a good habit to read. Thanks for blogging.

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