Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Week 6

Choose a character from your independent reading book and determine whether they are the protagonist (good character) or antagonist (bad character) in the story. Use text evidence to support your thinking. (Hint: Doing this in a write long format will help).  

                                        **Refer to your rubric before submitting**


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  2. I'm reading The popularity papers and the antagonist is Lydia because she turned agianst her best friend by telling the whole school Roland's love so was about her. And she did it only because Lisa dared her to. I can't wait to get the next book.

  3. I am reading The One And Only Ivan and I think the antagonist is Mack because he tries to hurt ruby. And the protagonist is Ivan is very nice and sort of a hero. I cant wait to keep reading!

  4. I just finished reading ‘’The Babysitters Club” By:Raina Telgemier. In this book the protagonist’s were the Babysitters Club and the antagonist’s are the Babysitters Agency, AKA BSA. I think that The Babysitters Club are the people that were the protagonist because they always were kind and when they found out that the BSA was being a bad influence on the little kids they decided to jump in and tell the Mother’s of these children so that they knew not to ever ask them for help again! On the other hand I think that the BSA were the antagonist’s because they tricked the Babysitters Club to thinking that they had two new members who used to be part of the BSA but thought the leader, Liz Lewis was too mean so they joined them. After they got their sitting times and jobs they got a phone call from the Mothers of the children the 2 girls were supposed to babysit for and turns out it was all a trick. They went to school the next day and saw that they were lying and the 2 girls had their arms around Liz!

  5. I am reading the book Allie Finkle's Book Of Rules For Girls and in the story the protagonist is Allie because in the story it says that Allie and Mary Kay and Courtney and Brittany were playing a game and they took their cat and put it in a suitcase and Allie took the suitcase and took the cat and let it free. And the antagonist is Brittany because that cat is her mom's and she never told her the game they play and Brittany thought it was funny to let a cat suffocate in a suitcase.

  6. I am reading the book The Sea of Monsters. In the story the there is more than one antagonist. One of them is Luke a demigod that betrayed the gods and is serving the titan Kronos. The other antagonist is Polyphemus the Cyclops that was blinded by another hero. He is the antagonist because he lures magical creatures to his cave and then eats them. The protagonist is Percy Jackson because he saves countless lives and fights all the bad monsters and bad gods.

  7. In the book Chomp by Carl Hiaasen the main character is Mickey. Mickey is the protagonist. I think Mickey is the protagonist because the whole book is centered on him. Also Mickey is helping like a good guy would. The good guy is the protagonist. Finally my third reason is Mickey was the first character shown in the story. Mickey is the protagonist because Mickey is trying to protect everybody when somebody with a gun is going wild. This is why Mickey is the protagonist.

  8. I am reading "Lawn Boy Returns." My main character, the Lawn Boy is the protagonist. He is kind and loving to help his family earn money. His family has a hard time earning money. He is a good friend to Kenny and Alan even though he has very little time to hang-out with them. He sponsors Joey for boxing. That's why Lawn Boy is the protagonist in my story.

  9. The character Bonnie in my story is antagonist because. In the book her friend fell and hurt his knee and bonnie says " nobody even asked me if i'm ok,he bumped into me on his trip to the floor y'know and who helped him up after that".and i think that was very selfish because she was just creating extra drama for her self and that is not nice.I thinkBonnie only cares about her self and is very rude .

  10. I am rereading Wonder and the antagonist is Julian. I think it is Julian because he has been mean to August and he was doing it in front of August. Julian said " were you in a fire or something." I think that is really mean. I think that Julian is the antagonist in the book Wonder.

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  12. I am reading the book Big Nate Goes On The Broke and I think Nate is the protonagist . I think he is the protagonist because he is helping and other people even if he gets in trouble. In one part a boy named Chad gets teased by a bully named Nolan and Nate starts up for Chad. Nolan throws chads bouncy ball so Nate becomes a protonagist by helping Chad get it back even when he got in trouble by standing up on the table. Some Dialogue is "give it back", said Nate and, "No I will never" , jerked Nolan This is why I think Nate is the protonagist of The book Big Nate goes for broke.

  13. I'am reading star wars Jedi academy Return of the padawan By Jeffrey Brown. I think Cronah is antagonist. I think this because he tries to ruin Roan's year at Jedi academy. One reason I also think this is because they sabotage his home work and make him get bad grades. This is why I think Cronah is the antagonist. Shreyas

  14. I am reading Codename Zero by Chris Rylander. I am talking about the protagonist of this story who I think is Carson. He does sometimes get into trouble like playing school pranks, but there are other bad guys. One piece of text evidence is when Carson says "Let alone the fact that I'd seen these same guys abduct some other guy a few days ago." This tells me that the two bad guys in this story abducted someone, and Carson never got into that kind of trouble before. Another piece of text evidence is when Carson says "Just as the two guys were passing me, I heaved my bag at their knees." This shows that Carson was brave enough to defeat the two bad guys, which I think makes him the central character. Overall, these are two of the ways Carson can be the protagonist.

  15. I'm reading Jackie and Me by Dan Gutman. In my book the character Ant is the Antagonist. I know that because Ant kind of found out that Joe came back in time. So Ant was going to tell everyone, and make Joe go to jail. Also another way that shows Ant is the Antagonist is, that he took away Joe's card that he needs to time travel home. My last reason that shows is, Ant was going to rip the only card that Joe could use time travel home. That's why I think Ant is the Antagonist in the book Jackie and Me.

  16. I am reading Land of Stories. The Evil Queen is the antagonist in the book she is trying to get to the wishing spell first but Alex and Conner are trying to get the wish- ing spell to,so that they can get home other wise they will be stuck in the book forever. I can't wait to read the rest of the book. Also this is why I think the evil queen is the antagonist in the book.

  17. I just finished reading The 26 Story Treehouse. I think Andy and Terry are the protagonists in the story, because the didn't do anything evil. For example, Andy and Terry did open heart surgery to save a sharks life in the book it says,"I unzip my shark and peer into its belly. As you might expect,its full of fish. I can't see any sign of Terry's underpants, but I can see some sort of large, and round object. I reach in and pull it out". This proves that Andy and Terry both are the protagonist in this book. Because they had to put their hands inside of a shark's belly.

  18. In the book Auggie and me, Julian is antagonist because he was putting mean notes in Auggie, and Jack Wills lockers. I know this because in the book it says " How do you know about the notes?" Julian said to Mr Tushman. Then Julian thought that August had told Mr Tushman about it. Soon, Jack Will punched Julian because what he dose to Auggie, saying all those mean stuff. Julian says that he doesn't know why Jack Will punched him. In one section of my book soon Julian becomes protagonist because he is being more nice to Auggie and is writing him an apology for what he said and did to him. I can't wait to keep reading!

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  21. n the book Wonder by: R.J Palacio there's a Character named Julian and I think he is the antagonist in this story because he's always bullying the main character August by. Making rumors that August has disabilities. Also, he acted like he liked the character August but really didn’t. Overall, Julian is the antagonist by treating August different by the way he looks. He just needs to remember that everyone is different even if they don’t look exactly like you. He needed to remember that one mistake n life can lead to lots of bad things.

  22. In the book Harry Potter the antagonist is Voldemort. One reason I think he is the antagonist is because he tried to kill Harry while he was a baby but in the process instead of killing Harry he killed Harry's parents. Another reason I think he is the antagonist is because he killed many wizards. The last reason I think Voldemort is the antagonist in the story is because he killed Dumbledore .
    Overall, Voldemort is the antagonist in the book Harry Potter.

  23. In the sisters the antagonist is her little sister.I think this because she is all ways trying to get rayna in trouble.another reason i think this she is all ways crying because rayna did someting
