Friday, January 22, 2016

Week 7!

Choose a pourquoi tale that we read in class.  What is the theme of this pourquoi.  Be sure to support you answer with text evidence.  Using the write long format may be helpful.  


  1. i'm gonna do Coyote and Beaver and the theme is to never play pranks on anyone. One piece of text evdince is when Beaver went to take a nap and Coyote moved him to the desert. Then Beaver moved Coyote to his little island and Baver knew Coyote hated swiming but if Coyote wanted to get back to the other side he would have to swim. Beaver and Coyote never made up. That is the theme of Coyote and Beaver.

  2. Im doing Coyote And The Salmon and the theme is to be clever and never give up. One peace of evidence is when Coyote thought it was fox but was wrong but he didnt give up and thought about the witches. Another peace of evidence is that Coyote tricked the witches which was very clever. Over all Covote was very determend and clever.

  3. I did How Raven Brought Heat to the World. I think the theme of the story is to put others before yourself. One piece of text evidence is when Raven was the only one to volenteer, to go get fire from the sun. With doing this Ravens pretty rainbow feathers tured black and, his wonderful voice turned in to a deep croak. This is why Raven put others before himself.

  4. I'm doing How Raven Brought Light to the World. I think that the theme of the story is that never give up if things go wrong. One piece if text evidence is that Raven(as a human boy)kept on begging and begging for the old man to open the box even if he found that there was another box inside.

  5. I'm doing "Why The Hare Runs Fast". The theme of this fable is:You have to participate to get your share.I found these pieces of evidence to support my theme:Hare didn't cut the tips of his ears off,and didn't dig any part of the well,and then the animals caught Hare and got mad at Hare drinking from the well. That's why my theme makes sense.

  6. I think the theme of the story "Why The Hare Runs Fast" is if you want something you have to help get it. I think this because in the text hare wants water but he does not help get it. So the animals got revenge by scaring him off. That makes me think the theme is if you want something you have to help get it. He did not help get the water that he drank and that the other animals worked really hard to get so he got bad karma .

  7. I think the theme of “The Golden Touch” is to think before you do. One reason I think this is because in the text, it says, “The king didn’t take long to think about his wish before he said,’I wish anything I touch will turn to gold.’” I think this because he did not think about the consequences of wishing this gift. Another piece of evidence I found is, “He put several plump grapes into his mouth, but quickly spat out a lump of gold!” This tells me that he did not think about it he just kept shoving food in his mouth. My last piece of evidence is “ Little Marigold was confused and ran to her father. As she flung her arms around , her body immediately stiffened and grew hard.” This tells me that King Midas did not think that his daughter was around him and it happened without him noticing.

  8. In the story "Why The Hare Runs Fast" I think the theme is to be nice. I think that because hare was mean. One reason I think that is because Hare didn't cut off the tip of his ear to get the fat. I think that is mean because all of the other animals did. Another reason is because Hare didn't help build the well. So he wasn't contributing and all of the other animals were. The last reason is that Hare drank from the well even though he didn't help build it. He also got it dirty so all of the animals couldn't drink from it. That was mean because he stole from them. Overall, I think that the theme in "Why The Hare Runs Fast" is to be nice.

  9. In why the Hare Runs Fast I think the theme is to always keep your promises. I think this because he promised to cut off the tips of his ears but then he disagreed when it was his turn. Also hare didn't help dig the well but then he drank the water. Finally Hare drank the water and the animals got mad. He got stuck to a sticky mud doll. The animals let him go. This is why I think the theme is always keep your promises.

  10. I think the theme of How Raven Brought Heat To The World is sometimes cleverness is better than strength. My first piece of evidence is Raven thought up a good plan. My second piece of evidence is that Raven was the only animal to volunteer to go to the sun yet he still regretted it. My final piece of evidence is that he was smart enough to trick the sun but everyone knew sooner or later his regret would come his way. That's why I think the theme is sometimes cleverness is better than strength.

  11. I am doing coyote and the salmon the theme of it is to be determined. One peace of evidence is that Coyote tricked the witches even though it was hard for him. One other piece of evidence is when coyote is kind to the animals even when he is a little scared to do. I picked this because I thought it would be easy for me. Over all I think coyote is brave and determined because of the great work he does to the animals.

  12. I would like to talk about the pourquoi "Coyote and Beaver" and I think the theme of this story is to treat others how you want to be treated. One piece of text evidence is when it says that Coyote took Beaver far away from his dam into the dessert. This shows that Coyote did something really bad to Beaver. Another piece of text evidence is when it says that Beaver had to walk all the way from the dessert back to his dam. This also shows that Coyote did something really bad to Beaver. The last piece of text evidence is when it says that Beaver played a trick on Coyote. I know Beaver did that because Coyote played a trick on Beaver. Overall, these are the ways that the theme of this pourquoi is treat others how you want to be treated.

  13. I did "Coyote and Beaver". I think the theme is that you shouldn't play tricks on people. One reason I think this is because Coyote plays a very dangerous trick on Beaver that almost killed Beaver. Another piece of evidence is Beaver played a trick on coyote and they ended up hating each other. that's why I think the the is to never play tricks on people.

  14. I did coyote nod bever. The theme is to never play tricks on someone because they always will get there payback for doing a trick. Just like in the story it says that coyote played a mean trick on beaver. The first text evidence shows that he did something soon he will get his revenge. Coyote took Bever in the desert. The next text evidence is that bever had to walk miles from the desert. The last text evidence is that bever soon played a trick himself, on coyote. This shows that he finally got his own revenge on him for his tricks. Overall this shows that they liked to play tricks on each other!

  15. In the pourquoi How Raven brought heat to the world the theme is to always be thankful. In the text Raven volunteers to go to the sun and light a stick on fire then come back and bring heat, everybody's happy for the heat but, when he comes back no one really cares. First: Raven is the only animal that volunteers to go to the sun, that shows that the animals should be thankful. Second: Raven comes back with heat but “not himself” he comes back without his singing voice and rainbow feathers. And the animals don’t like him anymore. Lastly, He goes to the woods all alone and the creator says tells him that he will stay as himself but every time the sun shines on his feathers a rainbow will form but everyone that ignored you will not see the rainbow. Overall, everybody should be thankful for what they have. ✌

  16. The theme in how raven brought light to the world is he tries to get light to the world is raven becomes a pine needle but gets swallowed by the girl. Another one is raven becomes a young boy and tries to convince the man to open the box. the last one is raven takes the box and releases light to the world and that is how raven brought light to the world theme.

  17. In the book, The Never Ending Punishment, I think the theme would be, "Be careful of what you do." In the text, Sisyphus tricked Zeus, king of all gods, and was sent to the underworld to be punished by Hades. Sisyphus tricked Hades, king of the underworld, to trap himself instead. Zeus found out about it, and sent Sisyphus back to get a harder punishment. For Sisyphus's new punishment, Hades made him push a heavy rock up a mountain. However, every time he got to the top it would fall back down. Sisyphus had to do it over and over and over again until he made it (which could never happen, since Hades put a spell on the rock). This made me think that you should be careful of what you do,or you will be punished.

    1. Ryan,

      I really like how carefully your worked on this post. Your hard work is clear!

  18. I think the theme of Why The Hare Runs Fast is that Hare was clever but mean. One reason why is Hare told the other animals he would cut off the tips of his ears after the other animals did it. They were going to sell the tips of their ears for money. But after the other animals cut the tips of their ears off Hare did not do it. Another reason is that Hare got the other animals to buy a hoe with the money they got from selling the tips of their ears. The hoe was used to dig a hole for water. My final reason is that once the other animals had a drink of water from the hole they dug Hare took water from the other animals hole. Also, Hare did not do anything to help the animals and got mud into the animals drinking water by taking a bath in it. This is why I think Hare is clever and mean.

  19. I will do Coyote And Beaver. I think the theme is to never play tricks on each other. One reason is that it can hurt the other person. It can also go out of there comfort zone. The last reason is that they can break up there relationship as a friend.

    1. Justin,

      This is a great start, but please be sure to add at least 3 pieces of text evidence to support your claim.

  20. The pourquoi I choose is Why Raven Brought Heat to the World. I think the theme of this pourquoi is bravery. I think the theme is bravery because Raven is very brave. One way Raven was brave was by being the only one to volunteer to get the heat. Another way he was brave was by flying all the way to the sun and back. The last way he was brave was by getting burning hot fire/heat from the sun all the way back to earth.
