Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 8!

Choose an independent reading book and write a summary of the book.  Keep in mind that good summaries just state the facts of what the book is about without giving their opinion. Be sure to reference the rubric this week to help you with your response.  
Happy Reading!! 


  1. I am reading The Baby-Sitters Club Mary Anne Saves The Day which is about 4 girls Mary Anne, Claudia, Kristy, and Stacey who are all baby sitters. But one day the girls get into a big fight. And since the girls aren't speaking Mary Anne meet a new friend and is now hanging out with her.

    1. Kaitlyn,

      I think this is a great start. Are there any quotes or pieces of text evidence that might hook someone into wanting to read more? Or, are you able to add more details about the book to summarize it?

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  4. I am reading Auggie and Me. And in the story it has 3 peoples points of views. Charlotte, Julian, and Christopher. There are some nice ones and some mean ones. In middle school Auggie the main Character goes through some tough times but he gets through them. Meanwhile, Julian is causing trouble and Charlotte is at dancing. They have names like shingling for Charlotte that means dancing, so she likes dancing. There were team try outs so she tried out and 3 people got in the dance class for the show. Charlotte, Summer, and Ximena. Savanna is the popular one in the school and she tried out for the dance class for the concert but she did not make it in. So now she is blaming Charlotte Cody for taking her spot. Pluto, is Christopher. The name Pluto is a planet and he loves space and pluto and because he is very smart about space so he's name is pluto. The Julian Chapter is about Julian. He is also popular. He likes to make fun of people. Like for example Auggie. He likes to make fun of his face. Soon, everyone is being nice to Auggie so Julian is starting to be nice to Auggie too!

    1. Ava,

      The hard work that you put into this is clear. When you summarize in the future, try to narrow down the information to the most important information so you don't give away too many details. :)

  5. I am reading the book The Babysitting Club, Kristy's Great Idea. And in this book Kristy and all her friends do babysitting but one day Kristy comes up with a great idea. She decides to have a big babysitting club. But there was just some issues including: where the meeting spot would be and finding one more member of the club. Together they find a new student that just moved there named, Stacey Mcgill. They work as a team and solve these problems. But are they good enough and responsible to handle such a big job like babysitting?

    1. Pavitra,

      This is a good start. Try to read back through it and make sure all of your sentences are complete and make sense.

    2. Pavitra, this sounds like a very interesting book! Is this the only one in the series you've read? And what is your favorite part?. Also what number book is this ?

  6. I am reading the book How to Beat the Bully Without really trying. And in this book Rodney was almost beaten up by the bully. But when no one is looking a baseball hits the bully and knocks him out. Everyone thinks Rodney did it and the bully is afraid of him now. Can Rodney keep his title or will it go over the fence when he meets the McThuggs?

    1. Justin,

      Great start. Be sure to you watch out for capitalization in your blog post.

  7. I'm reading The Popularity Papers & it's about 2 girls Julie and Lydia who are best friends. Lydia just got back from London and she is still adjusting. Now since Lydia got back it has been a little weird. Sukie's mom just died so that got them thinking they should do what they want to do in there life time. So they made a trunk list (a bucket list but instead of bucket it's trunk) which has crazy stuff on it which they try and do. Will they do all the crazy stuff on the trunk list or will there plan fail?

    1. Jordyn,

      When writing for school, please spell out words instead of using symbols. It's a good habit to get into! :)

  8. I'm reading The Popularity Papers & it's about 2 girls Julie and Lydia who are best friends. Lydia just got back from London and she is still adjusting. Now since Lydia got back it has been a little weird. Sukie's mom just died so that got them thinking they should do what they want to do in there life time. So they made a trunk list (a bucket list but instead of bucket it's trunk) which has crazy stuff on it which they try and do. Will they do all the crazy stuff on the trunk list or will there plan fail?

  9. I am reading Class Dismissed, by Allen Woodrow. It is about a class that has a very big secret!, their teacher quit!! And nobody else knows In this book you will learn about five different points of views about this big secret. Maggie thinks she is among a class of blockheads but will they prove her wrong? Eric sits in the corner and writes stories. Samantha's most prized possession is her boots, Kyle enjoys flinging erasers at people and, Adam likes to doodle on his desk. Do you think class 507 can keep their big secret?

    1. Megan,

      This is great! What is your favorite part of the book so far?

    2. Dear Megan,
      "Class Dismissed" sounds like a really good book. I was so eager to hear what happened. You did a really good job explaining your thinking and putting a lot of voice into the summary. I also have a question for you, how come the teacher quit her job? It sounds weird then all of a sudden their teacher quit, or was there a reason for their teacher to quit! You did a really good job! You sound like a professional writer!
      -Rayna :)

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  11. At home I am reading the book, “I am Malala”. In this book it tells you how Malala Yousafzai stood up for Women’s right’s in Pakistan. What happened was Boys were getting more education than Girls in Pakistan. A man that was nicknamed “Radio Mullah” started out as just a Man giving podcasts on the radio but then “Radio Mullah” AKA Fuzzulah, started creating destruction in their town, bombing schools, starting wars, and so on. As Malala gets older she starts to realize what harm Fuzzalah was causing. She does not like that her school uniforms were changing and she was not liking the fact that the laws were changing and she was not learning as much as the Boys.

    1. Rayna,

      This is a great summary! I can't wait to start reading this book as well. :)

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  13. I`m reading Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova. It is about the new girl in school Penelope. On her first day she trips and falls, then a boy named Jamie helped her pick up her books. Then people started making fun of them so Penelope pushed him and said " LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!". Penelope felt really bad about it ever since. Penelope is in the art club because she is an artist, Jamie is in the science club he is a scientist. But they eventually become friends.

    1. Sarina,

      This sounds like a great book. Is this book a graphic novel?

  14. I am reading the book called The Land of Stories The wishing spell. It is by Chris Colfer this book is about Alex and Conner and how they fell into the land of stories they are trying to find the wishing spell so they can get out of the book and go home. But the evil queen is also looking for the wishing spell to hurt snow white and be the fairist of them all just like snow white was the fairist of hem all. I can't wait till I read the rest of the book and find out who gets their first and gets their wish come true.

    1. Ashley,

      This is a great start. I've been wanting to check this book out so I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it. Just a reminder that your opinion isn't a part of a summary. It just tells the facts!

  15. I am reading the book "The Lucky Cap." It is about a fifth grader named Enzo whose Dad works for a company called Kap. When Enzo finds out his dad is leaving for a month and a half he might be stuck in the house with five girls,but when his dad gives Enzo a cap that changes everything. His dad ended up taking Enzo. He gets his hat signed by a bunch of celebrities. On the first day of school he becomes instantly popular. He meets new friends Chase and Lance. Lance gets jealous because he thinks Enzo is steeling his friend. During his homeroom he gets nominated for class president and eventually he wins. He also makes the basketball team. During the pep rally when he goes back to his locker he can't find his cap.

    1. Jack,

      This is a great summary! Are you enjoying this book so far? It sounds like something you would be interested in. :)

  16. I am reading a book called HOOT by Carl Hiaasen. This book is about a boy named Roy who finds out that a group of owls are living in an area that is about to be bulldozed. Roy is the new kid from Montana and he has no friends. But later in story when he finds out about the owls he chases a boy running down the sidewalk. He chases after the boy, ditching school then later finds out this boy is Beatrice's (a girl on his school bus) stepbrother. The stepbrother tells Roy about the owls. Roy finds out this boy is trespassing in the area to slow down or stop the bulldozing. At the end of the story Roy, Beatrice, and Beatrice's soccer team and most of the kids in school stand together side by side to stop them from bulldozing.

    1. Matthew,

      This sounds like a great book. Do you have a favorite book so far?

  17. Kaitlyn, that sounds like an awesome book. I really want to read it. At first I didn't think I would like it but your summary sounded really good and like realed me in and now I want to readed it.

  18. I am reading the book the boxcar children book 2. In this book 4 two brothers and two sisters are going to the island that their grandfather owned. On the island they build a house and grow crops to make the house like a barn. The man next door is a man called Joe. Joe and the 4 children find a cave and a tall pile of shells. Joe thought the shells belong to the indians when the indians were alive but who knows. When they went o the cave they saw things in side such as clay things. Just then as the they were exploring the tide came in the cave and they almost could not make it out alive but they caught on the shell pile to get out. The smallest child Benny was very cross when they got out safely. "I could have almost died Benny said angrily",so they went home. The next day they woke up and went to the cave but not in the cave, they were digging and then suddenly they could a skull with an arrow head on it. Thats when it hit them and they saw that it was the indians that lived on the island. That is all I read up to.

    1. Ayan,

      This is a great start. Remember that summaries have no personal connections in them. They just state the facts of what the book was about.

  19. I am reading Joe DiMaggio, and it is a biography. In this book Joe's family are fishermen. But Joe doesn't like fishing so he never comes. Joe found a broken oar and he trimmed it into a baseball bat. That was the start of his baseball career. Joe joined a league and he brought his team to victory. Soon after that major and minor league scouts were coming to his games. A minor league team named the Seals got him. All of the major league teams wanted him . They all wanted him until he collapsed on a bus after a game. Joe found out he had a busted knee. Now none of the teams wanted him except the Yankees. So Joe went there and was very good. He won multiple M.V.P awards. Also he led his team to multiple world series. Overall, Joe DiMaggio was an astonishing baseball player.

    1. Tyler,

      It sounds like you're really enjoying this book. Our classroom library has more biographies on sports stars if you are interested in reading them in the future.

  20. I am reading Absolutely Almost by Lisa Graff. This book is about a boy named Albie who thinks he is always an almost. Here is why he thinks he is always an almost. His art teacher said he was an almost in kindergarten when Albie asked her if he could use markers. His teacher replied by saying; "Almost, Albie. Let's wait for your grip to get a little stronger." He was an almost in first grade when he asked his mom if he could walk their dog, Biscuit. "Almost, Albie." His mom said. "He still tugs too hard for you." He was an almost in second grade when he practiced his spelling words for a whole weekend to move up to the red group. His teacher said "Almost, Albie. You have a tiny ways to go." He was an almost in third grade when his poem wasn't picked for the wall for Parents' Night. He was an almost in fourth grade almost every day. When will he not be an almost?

    1. Navneet,

      This sounds like a great book!! I hope you're enjoying it!

  21. The title of my book is Jackie and Me. This book is about a kid named Joe Stoshack, Jackie Robinson, and baseball cards. In the beginning, Joe Stoshack was in school and it was African American month so he decided to do his report on Jackie Robinson. He had a power to go back in time. Joe went back in time but something stopped him from getting what he wanted. When he went back to 1944 he became a bat boy for the Brooklyn Dodgers and his boss almost made him get stuck in the past. Also, his boss took the baseball cards that Joe was going to sell in the future for almost one million dollars. Joe still got his report done because he stayed in 1944 and met Jackie Robinson. Also, he learned what Jackie was like when he was the first African-American in the MLB.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I am reading the book called Star Wars Jedi Academy. In the book there's a character named Roan. He really wanted to be a pilot, but things don’t go as planned. In the book Roan actually becomes a Jedi because master Yoda likes his skills. When Roan got to the Jedi Academy he already knew he didn’t fit in but, after a while he said “this doesn’t seem to bad.” Roan then learned the force and how to use a lightsaber. He then knew he actually could fit in after all.

  23. I'am reading the lost hero. In the book there are three main characters Piper,Jason and Leo they all have problems of their own. Jason can't remember any thing from his past all he remembers is waking up on a bus full of kids.Piper's dad is a famous movie star who got captured by the king of Giants and the only way she can save him is by betraying her friends.Last but not least we have Leo who been on the run from foster homes since his mother died when he was seven and to find out that the person who caused it was his grandmother.
