Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 9!

This week, we will be practicing writing Write Longs for our reading response.  Please make a claim about one of the following and support it with 3 pieces of text evidence and support.  Remember to close it out with an opinion or reflection.

Claim Options: 

      - The theme of your book (big idea/ lesson)
     -  An adjective to describe a character (character trait)



  1. In the book diary of a wimpy kid Old school. Greg made bad stuff happen. For example, Greg made a leaky ceiling from the sink in his house. My next piece of evidence is when his grandpa was getting gas for the car. And Greg accidentally turned the handle to neutral and the car started to go forward. that made the rear of the car busted up. My last piece of evidence is when he parents signed him up for homework buddy. And Greg used Frew to do his homework and after a while Greg used Frew to cheat on any kind of test all he did was check to change the name on the test. That is my 3 pieces of evidence.

  2. In the book diary of a wimpy kid Old school. Greg made bad stuff happen. For example, Greg made a leaky ceiling from the sink in his house. My next piece of evidence is when his grandpa was getting gas for the car. And Greg accidentally turned the handle to neutral and the car started to go forward. that made the rear of the car busted up. My last piece of evidence is when he parents signed him up for homework buddy. And Greg used Frew to do his homework and after a while Greg used Frew to cheat on any kind of test all he did was check to change the name on the test. That is my 3 pieces of evidence.

  3. In the book the Popularity Papers the claim is that Julie and Lydia are brave. One reason is because they didn't care that they tackled someone. They didn't care that there were punishments. That shows that they were brave and didn't care about getting in trouble. The second reason is that they didn't care that someone was posting pieces of there diary, some of the diary was about people in there school so everyone is mad at them. My last reason is that they didn't care that they lost all there friend just because they became friends with the Adams kids. In the book the Popularity Papers it shows that Julie and Lydia are brave.

  4. In the book Fantasy League, Charlie is very into football. I know this because he is in a lot of fantasy leagues. Also he watches a lot of games with his friend Anna. Charlie also plays football. I know from my own life that if you play a sport you should know a lot about it. Finally, he knows the owners of a team which is Anna's family. Since he knows them he can get the news on what is happening in the league. With Charlie's actions and how excited he gets, I am convinced that Charlie is very into football

  5. In the book Percy Jackson And The Olympians The Lightning Thief Percy is very brave. I know this because he went on a dangerous quest to find and bring the lightning bolt to Zeus. And I know that takes a lot of bravery. Also Percy had to face Medusa, a Minotaur, and a hydra! And that takes a lot of bravery and courage to battle and defeat afire-eating , man eating, 7+ headed monster! Lastly Percy had to go to the underworld, home of Hades. That takes a lot of bravery because Percy could of gotten killed or trapped in the underworld for eternity! And all those tasks and obstacles truly shows Percy is very brave.

    1. Kaitlyn,

      This is a great start. I like how you use so many specific names and words from the text. It helped me to see the context of the book that you were reading.

  6. In the Book Lucy on the Loose, I Think the cat is the mean animal. In the text it says Lucy went off and followed the cat and the cat meant to do that to get Lucy away from the boy that owns him. Another reason is the cat made it so Lucy will be lost and can not find her her owner and so Bobby the boy will have to tell his mom Lucy is gone. The last way is the cat tried to do it before but bobby didn't let him go and turned around and went to his best friends house named shawn. Overall,the cat is the mean animal in the book lucy on the loose.

    1. Ashley,

      This is a good start. I think you picked some good pieces of evidence. Don't forget to add support (how your evidence connects to your claim) the next time you write a write long.

  7. In the book Half Upon A Time a major claim of May is she’s very strange. May’s strange because she fell right out of the sky. This caught my attention you don’t just see a girl, especially if she might just be a princess,too just fall randomly out of a cloud in the middle of nowhere. Another reason why May is strange is because she is supposedly a princess, but her shirt says, “Punk Princess” right on it, jeans, and sneakers. While all the other princesses were dresses and fancy slippers. She looks nothing like a fancy princess.The last piece of evidence May does not take after her grandma one bit.Here clothing personality nor personality traits.

    1. Rayna,

      This is a good start. It sounds like May is definitely a different type of princess. Do you think that her being not your typical princess connects in anyway to the title of the book being Half Upon a Time instead of the usual Once Upon a Time?

  8. In the book "Big Nate In Class By Himself" Nate is a trouble maker. I know this because Nate's Social Studies teacher gives him detention every day. This makes me think Nate is a trouble maker because detention is a bad thing. Secondly Nate gets in trouble every day. This means Nate is bad because you get in a boat load of trouble by your parents. Lastly Nate makes unrealistic excuses. That proves Nate is a trouble maker because people won't think it's true. That's why I think Nate is a trouble maker.

    1. Jack,

      I have seen such growth in your reading responses. It is clear to me that you are really taking your time and putting in the hard work needed to think deeply about what you are reading and make inferences. Keep up the great work!

  9. In the book Auggie and Me Charlotte is very kind. I know this because she told Jack what was going on when everybody was ignoring him. I know that this is nice because Jack was annoyed when nobody would talk to him, so Charlotte told him why everybody was being mean. My next piece of text evidence is that Charlotte was staying neutral in the boy war. I think this was nice because she didn't want to offend anybody. Finally, my last piece of evidence is that she accepted to go on the tour with Auggie. This was nice because she didn't have to do it but she did it anyway. Overall, I think that Charlotte is nice.

    1. Matthew,
      This is a good start! :) I agree with your thinking that Charlotte is kind. Do you think she is being kind for a specific reason or do you think that she is just a kind person in general?

  10. In the book, Jessica Darling's The It List, Jessica is very daring. In the Book Jessica's sister, Bethany made up a list to help you survive Junior High. The first thing on the list says to dress different. Jessica goes with the flow and wears something vintage, some people are weirded out by her appearance but she did it any way. This shows that Jessica is very daring, because she went out of her way to dress different even if people thought she was weird. Another piece of text evidence is when Jessica decides to try out for the cheer team. (that is the thing next on the it list) Jessica is not a good gymnast but she does it anyway, even if she fell on her face and got laughed at. This proves that Jessica is very daring because she got really hurt and got humiliated . One last piece of text evidence is when Jessica tells a lie to her sister. This shows that Jessica's very daring because she could've gotten in trouble for doing that. In this book, Jessica's thoughts and actions prove that she is a very daring person.

    1. Megan,

      I like how nicely your write long flows from one point to another and how well you added evidence and support. Nice work!

  11. In the book Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince it shows that Harry is very brave. I know this because Harry fought of a couple of Death Eaters. Another reason is that Harry fought Inferi and got away with his life. Many other people would not even go into the cave. My last reason is that he chased the Death Eaters away

    1. Justin,
      How do these things that Harry does in the book make him brave?

  12. In the book, Force Out, Joey is a very clever kid. The text talks about Joey, who saw a dog at night when he was outside and made him stop barking because the dog was going to wake his owner up. This shows that Joey is clever because Joey had to learn how to calm down a dog in only a minute. Another piece of text evidence is that Joey wanted his friend to play baseball but he had a field trip the next day, so he took the fuel out of the teacher's car. This proves Joey is clever because he had to figure out a way to sabotage a car quickly with out anyone seeing him. Finally, Joey is clever because that he got a 99.5 on his science test and no one has got that high of a score before. This shows Joey's brilliance because he had to find a good technique to study and get a good grade. In this book what Joey does proves that he is clever.

    1. Luke,

      Nice work on your response. As you continue to write long, try and incorporate some direct quotes from the text. :)

  13. In the book Airball, The main character, Kirby, is very determined. One piece of text evidence is where it says that Kirby decided to make a strategy for their next basketball game, when Mrs. Zimmer, someone who is part of the school board, says that if they don't win the game, they're finished. This shows that Kirby is very determined to win that next game. Another piece of text evidence is where it says that Kirby tells his cousin that he is going to inform a famous basketball player that he is Kirby's father. This shows that Kirby is brave and determined to tell Brett McGrew, the famous basketball player, that he is Kirby's father.My last piece of text evidence is where it says that, at the game, Kirby tells the team players, if they will concentrate on what they're good at, then they'll probably win. This also shows that Kirby is determined to win the game because he's talking about strategies to win. Overall, Kirby's actions show that he is very determined.

  14. In the book Big Nate Goes For Broke, Nate is smart because, he decided to start a club where he, and his friends drew and wrote comics and he decided to let girls join the club. I know this shows he is smart because, girls can always be as smart as boys. I also think he is smart by, thinking of something that Jefferson Middle school (School Rivals) was bad at, so they could finally win. I know this shows he is smart because, Jefferson Middle School always beats P.S. 39 (Nate’s School.) Lastly, I know Nate was smart by, knowing that Jefferson cheated in the snow sculpture competition because they took a suit of armor that came from an old closet in the school, and put snow all over it to make it look like they only used snow. I know this shows he is smart because he realized that they stole it from the closet.

  15. I am reading the book The Accidental Cheerleader and in the book Keishy rayes is really mean to sophie and Kylie. First she tells sophie that she is small and i would feel sad if someone called me that. Then Keishy rayes thinks that Kylie was funny at the cheerleading tryouts and wants Kylie to be in the very back where she cant be seen and i would probably feel frustrated with keishy if she told me what to do.Finally Keishy made sophie do all the difficult stunts and bossed people around and i know that I can't do that much stunts especially difficult ones. Overall, Keishy Rayes is mean!

  16. I am reading big nate the crowd goes wild, the book is about Nates life.Nate does not have enough money to enter a contestwith his band.Nate is not good at basball but he likes to play it.He is not getting good grades in school because he does not pay attention and he does not study.Nate is crazy.i like this book because it is funny.

  17. I am reading the book, "The Loser List: Revenge of the Loser" and I think Danny is friendly because he makes friends with everybody. He makes friends not only with the Janitors but with everybody else too. I think he is friendly because he has lots of friends even though some people think he's a loser. something else that makes him friendly is that he put on a fundraiser to raise money for a school's playground that's broken. I think this makes him friendly because he's putting in his time to go through audition and set everything up. The last reason I think he is friendly is because he's a good sport. I think that because when he lost the art competition, he was all calm.
