Monday, February 29, 2016

Week 10!

This week, we will be practicing writing Write Longs for our reading response.  Please make a claim about one of the following and support it with 3 pieces of text evidence and support.  Remember to close it out with an opinion or reflection.  
                         **Please choose the claim opposite of the one you chose last week!**

Claim Options: 

      - The theme of your book (big idea/ lesson)
     -  An adjective to describe a character (character trait)


  1. In the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid Greg can't follow the rules. One reason is because the town was doing this thing where they couldn't use there eletronics for a weekend and do some community service and he ran away from community service and took out his phone. Next when he went to Hardscrabble farms he wasn't aloud to use a phone, but then he stole Mr.Jefferson's phone to play on. Lastly when he was collecting fire wood and found a place where you could have a working bathroom and shower off the camp grounds. Over all Greg is usually breaking the rules.

  2. In the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid Greg can't follow the rules. One reason is because the town was doing this thing where they couldn't use there eletronics for a weekend and do some community service and he ran away from community service and took out his phone. Next when he went to Hardscrabble farms he wasn't aloud to use a phone, but then he stole Mr.Jefferson's phone to play on. Lastly when he was collecting fire wood and found a place where you could have a working bathroom and shower off the camp grounds. Over all Greg is usually breaking the rules.

  3. In the book Diary of A Wimpy Kid Greg is determined to be famous in the future. One reason is when Greg wants to be treasurer. Another time is when Greg joined the wrestling club. Additionally Greg tried to become a Safety Patrol. In conclusion Greg wants to be popular.

  4. In the book Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, the theme is to expect the unexpected. First, Greg's brother Manny won a pet pig at a carnival. Everyone wanted the pig until it caused a lot of commotion in the motel and bit Greg's finger while they were on a road trip. Getting bit was very unexpected. Another example is that Greg had to go to a vet instead of a doctor because it was the only place near where they were driving. He was expecting there to be a doctors office nearby but there wasn't one.Lastly, Greg's dad tried to fix the sunroof of their car because he didn't want to spend the money for someone else to do it. After that there was as a leak in the car because the materials his dad used didn't stand a chance to the rain. He should have just spent the money to have someone do it for him instead of him doing it. In conclusion, it's always good to have a backup plan so you know what to do if something unexpected happens.

  5. In the book Auggie and me/wonder the Julian chapter Julian was very mean to august. One reason is when he was at Mr. Tushman's office with his parents and Mr. Tushman said that Julian was putting bad notes in august's locker. Another reason is he when still at Mr. Tushman's office and he said that august is a freak behind his back. The final reason is when Julian actually admitted he was freak. this shows that Julian was really mean to august.

  6. In the book, Dork Diaries, the theme is friendship and to always be kind even to the people you don't like. First, Nikki and her friends, Chole and Zoey go to Mackenzie's( enimie) house to tolit paper it.Then, Mackenzie catches them doing it. From this part in the story I learned to always be nice even if their your enimies. Another reason is when Mackenzie hatched a plan to get Nikki get kicked out of the school. This screams at me that you should always be kind. One last reason is when Marcy helped Nikki out to made sure Mackenzie couldn't get her in trouble, this tells us that nice is the way to be. This all proves that the book Dork Diaries is filled with drama, friendship, and super acts of kindness.

  7. In the book, Land of stories the theme is don't give up just believe in your self and do the right thing.First,conner and his sister Alex they get stuck in the book but they don't give up they help there selfs. Second, they ask people to help them find where to go to find the wishing spell. Finally,they did the right thing by looking for the wishing spell and just because the Evil queen was trying to find it to they thought they could find it first and did not give up in what they where trying to find.

  8. I'm reading the book "Big Nate and Friends" the theme of this book is to never give up. I think this because Nate makes a lot of not funny jokes but keeps trying to make funny jokes.Next Nate plays bad in sports but keeps trying to get better.Lastly Nate is good at chess and keeps trying to get better. This makes me think Nate doesn't give up.

  9. I'm reading the book Ellie's story. The theme of the book is to try new things. I think this because in the book a man teaches Ellie new tricks. Another piece of text evidence is that Ellie wants to try new things like getting used to other people. I know this because the man that is his owner had to start going to work so a girl came over to watch Ellie. Now Ellie is okay with the girl coming in!

  10. In the book The Mark of Athena the theme is to always be brave. I know this because the Greeks flew in a giant warship to New Rome hoping the Romans wouldn't attack them. This is brave because I would be pretty scared if I flew to somebody in a warship hoping not to be attacked.
    Secondly, the character Jason stood on the tip of the warship even though he could have fallen off the ship. This is very brave because he would have died if he fell. Thirdly, Reyna was brave because she trusted the Greeks that they wouldn't attack. This is brave because you have to sometimes be brave to trust. Finally, the theme of the Mark of Athena is to always be brave.

  11. In the book Study Hall of Justice the main character Bruce is smart because not just smart but really cool to I know this because. In the book Bruce finds out that people are on the look out for him. This shows he is smart because he is really good at eavesdropping on other people. Also, Bruce starts a detectives club with his two friends to basically keep everyone safe. This shows Bruce is smart because, Bruce comes up with a really cool idea. To sum it up, Bruce is smart by making him and his friends disguise themselves as superheroes so no one would know who they are. This shows Bruce is smart because, Bruce has a good idea’s for the right situation Overall, Bruce in a smart Man.

  12. The book Dork Diaries Tales From A Not So Dorky Drama Queen Mackenzie Hollister is the antagonist because she is really mean. One piece of evidence is that she purposely stole Nikki's diary. That definitely shows Mackenzie is mean because who does that and she was trespassing someones property! Another time she accused Nikki of cyber bullying and Mackenzie was the one who was cyber bullying. Which is s so unfair because nikki didn't do anything and she didn't deserve to be punished. Lastly she wrote mean notes to people under nikkis name. That is so mean because she just wanted everyone to turn against her. Overall all of this evidence truly shows that Mackenzie Hollister is a mean , cruel person.

  13. I am reading the book Dork diaries Tales from a not so popular party girl and Mackenzie Hollister is really mean to her. She was the chairperson at a party and made Nikki wear disgusting outfits,and then when Nikki was changing in a bathroom stall Mckenzie reached under a stall and took nikki's duffel bag,and finally Nikki entered an art contest with mckenzie and when nikki won mckenzie said "If I had known that we had to do a bad art picture I would of brought in my poodle vomit in a frame".And I know that would make me fell really mad an her. Overall,Mckenzie Hollister is really mean.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm reading the book TiMMY FALIURE now look what you done and the theme of the is to never give up.I think the theme is never give up because Timmy wants to be a detective and he'll do anything to solve the case ofI'm reading the book TiMMY FALIURE now look what you done and the theme of the is to never give up.I think the theme is never give up because Timmy wants to be a detective and he'll do anything to solve the case of the missing globe. Also when Timmy got sent to a different school he still continued to solve the case of the missing globe and didn't give up. Finally, the reason why he never gave up is when he broke his leg he had a lot of losses. He lost his company "Total Failure Inc" but even though he had a lot of hard times, he never gave up on what he liked to do which is solving cases.That's why the theme is "Never give up".

  16. In the book Sisters by Raina Telgemeier the theme is teamwork . Because ,they accomplish something great . Like when they got in a fight but they made up and they got the snake out of the car.Another reason i think the theme is teamwork is because they did great teamwork like when they had to get all the stuff out of the car when it was pouring rain . lastly i think the theme is teamwork is because in the book they used team work to figure out the real reason why their dad is not driving to Colorado with them. Thats why i think the theme is teamwork

  17. In the book Jackie and me the theme is that you have to stay brave even when times are hard. One example that shows he is brave is when Joe went back in time and he ended up on the sidewalk and he had nothing to eat or drink. This shows he is brave because Joe didn't cry or asked anyone for help, Joe took care of himself. The next way that shows that the characters are brave, when Jackie stayed brave and didn't leave the MLB, he could have left the MLB but he didn't get scared from people's hate comment's. That shows Jackie is brave because Jackie needed food and drinks for his family so he stayed in the MLB and he always stayed brave when people didn't like him. The last reason that shows people are brave is, Joe's boss found out that he traveled back in time so he tried to make Joe stay in 1947. Joe was brave because he stayed strong and didn't let his boss rip his card up, he stayed brave and got back home. The characters actions in the book show that the're brave in hard times.
