Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 11

Keep Smiling

For this week's reading response, please read the poem Keep Smiling.  After reading respond by answering the following:
  • What does the line Happiness can lift your spirits mean?
  • What 2 lines from the poem have the same meaning?
Happy reading!!


  1. Happiness can lift your spirits means it can just make you a happier, more positive person. And the two lines that mean the same thing are turn your sadness into joy and make a smile from a frown, because there both about turning negative into positive.

    1. I completely agree! I really like how you were able to connect your meaning of this line to the two other lines from the poem that had the same meaning. Keep up the great work!!

  2. Happiness can lift your spirits means that happiness can just make you more positive and also feel good and; be normally happy. The two same things are turn your sadness into joy and make a smile into a frown, because it makes the miserable thing into a ecstatic thing.

    1. Perfect and I completely agree! Great job on this response.

  3. Happiness can lift your spirits means if you are happy your spirits are happy too. Because the mood could change and sometimes make you confident for example, sad, happy, scared, shocked, and many more.

    1. I'm really glad to see you completed your post, but make sure you go through the rubric I post; unfortunately you didn't answer all parts of the question. Can you find two lines in the poem that mean the same thing? I look forward to seeing your work next time!

  4. Happiness can lift your spirits means that when your happy all bad thoughts go away, like when you are feeling bad and a friend tries to cheer you up you forget what made you feel bad and you feel good. The two lines that have the same meaning are turn your sadness into joy and make a smile from a frown because you are sad then you are happy.

    1. Great work Justin! I completely agree with you and love that you explained the connection between your meaning and the lines you selected. Keep up the great work!

  5. Happiness can lift your spirits means to hold your head up and smile and feel confident. The two lines that have the same meaning are turn your sadness into joy and make a smile from a frown because you are sad then positive.

    1. I agree! I'm so glad you made the connection between your meaning and the 2 lines you selected. Keep up the great work.

  6. In the poem, "Keep smiling" the phrase, "Happiness can lift your spirits" means that if you stay positive, all of your worries can go away and you will be happy. The two lines that mean the same thing are, "turn your sadness into joy" and "make a smile from a frown". That means when you are sad, try to think of happy thoughts to make you happy.


    1. Fabulous! I completely agree with you and love that you were able to connect your meaning to the lines you selected. Keep up the great work!

  7. In the poem "Keep Smiling" the phrase "Happiness can lift your spirits"means if your sad and someone makes you happy you will feel better. For example when I was sad 1 time my friend cheered me up and then I felt much better.

    1. I agree with you and am glad you have great friends! In the future, be sure to answer all parts of the question... you forgot to select 2 lines that mean the same thing!

  8. Questions:
    What does the line Happiness can lift your spirits mean?
    What 2 lines from the poem have the same meaning?
    I think the line Happiness can lift your spirits means that when you may be feeling down or like the world is about to end but there is always somebody to lift your spirits, and there is always something joyful to think about. In the poem there are 2 lines that mean the same thing and those 2 lines are, “ Make a smile from a frown” and “Bring enjoyment out of sorrow”. I think that these two lines have the same meaning because they both are telling you that you can make any moment into a memory and when you are feeling sad.

    1. I agree! When you make connections like this, be sure to use the same thinking. For example, did the two lines you selected mean that someone or something can lift your spirit? Instead of turning the moment into a memory, talk about how these lines mean that your spirits can be lifted. :)

  9. What does Happiness can lift your spirits mean? What are 2 other lines from the poem that mean the same thing? Happiness can lift your spirit means that it makes you feel happy when you are in the bad case of the blues, it makes your day happy and it makes those around you feel happy too:). Two other lines that mean the same way are, turns your sadness into joy and Make a smile from a frown. These lines do the same thing to you it makes you feel happy when you were down and it makes your friends feel happy too:)!!! These three lines show me that just the slightest little thing can make you feel happy, these lines turn you sadness into happiness I think that's what this poem is all about.

    1. Perfect and I agree... happiness is definitely a theme of the poem!

  10. Happiness can lift your spirits means to always stay happy. The 2 phrases that mean the same thing are “Turn your sadness to joy” and “Make a smile from a frown.” They mean the same thing because they both mean turn sadness to happiness.

    1. Great job explaining your thinking and connecting the lines to your original thinking. Keep up the great work!!

  11. From the poem keep smiling the sentence 'happines can lift your spirt means that whenever you are sad and somebody makes you happy the happy soul takes away the sad stuff and sad soul away to a new clean happy soul:)!!Oh and what the 2 phrases means and what it says is "Turn your sadness to joy and"Make a smile to a frown":):(.They both are almost the same sentences but... just have the oppsite on each one.

    1. I agree that all these lines relate to the idea of having happiness a part of your life, but be careful when you copy lines... you said to make a smile to a frown and no one likes that!! ;)

  12. Happiness can lift you spirt means when your not happy it will make your spirt happy.Two phrases that mean the same thing is turn your sadness into joy and lifts you up when you are down.

    1. Are you sure??? I'm wondering if you reread your work because you wrote when you aren't happy it will make your spirit happy. Hmm...
      I agree with what I think you were trying to say, but make sure you explain your thinking completely in the future. :)

  13. From the poem "Keep Smiling" the phrase "Happiness can lift your spirits" means that you should be happy and you will never get sad. The two other phrases from this poem that mean the same thing are "Turn your sadness into joy." and "Make a smile out of a frown." They mean the same thing because they both mean turn your sadness into happiness or turn your frown into a smile.

    1. I agree and I couldn't have asked for a better response. Keep up the great work!

  14. In the poem Keep Smiling the phrase “Happiness can lift your spirits” means that happiness can happen anytime and it can make your spirits very happy as well. :)) 🍭 Whenever you are happy and joyful to someone else it will keep going on and on. Happiness can happen anytime and anywhere. And the two lines that have the same meaning are “turn your sadness into joy!” And “Make a smile from a frown!” They have the same meaning because on the first line it says “Turn your sadness into joy.” That means that when you're feeling down just turn your frown upside down. And on the second line it means the same thing just turn your frown upside down and look on the bright side. Because the grass is always greener on the other side!

    1. Hmm... is it? We like to think the grass is always greener, but often that is only what we think! I completely agree with your thinking though and I really like how you completely explained your thinking. Keep up the great work!

  15. The line Happiness can lift your spirits means happiness can make you feel positive and think positive. I think this because if you are sad and something happy happens then you won't be sad any more . Another reason i think the line happiness can lift your spirits means happiness can make you feel positive and think positive is because in the poem it says "and turn your sadness into joy". The last reason i think the line Happiness can lift your spirits means happiness can make you feel positive and think positive is because in the poem it says "and lifts you up when you are down"

    2 lines that have the same meaning of the line Happiness can lift your spirits is " lifts you up when you are down " and " lifts you up when you are down.

    1. Fabulous!!! I love everything you did for this response and completely agree with your thinking. Keep up the great work!

  16. Happiness can lift your sprits means that you should always have a positive feeling and have a happy spirit. I think this because it is always good to have a happy spirit within yourself and you should never be that sad about fearful things even if the sadness is bugging you. two lines that have the same meaning as happiness can lift your spirits is turn your sadness into joy and make a smile a frown because happiness is on being happy :) 🍭 ☺☺☺☺☺

    1. I agree! These 2 lines are all about the idea of turning things around because being happy gives you a positive feeling. Keep up the great work!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Happiness can lift your spirit, means happiness is always going to make you happy. My first piece of text evidence is "Make a smile from a frown." That shows that it can make a enjoyable person when you aren't very happy. My second piece is "It brings a burst of gentle laughter." It shows that it makes you laugh when you have a frown on your face. The third piece is "And lifts you up when you are down." It sows that it makes you smile when you're sad. All these reasons show that happiness can lift your spirits, means that happiness will always keep you happy and excited.

    Two lines from the text that mean the same things are, "Make a smile from a frown." Also, it says "And lifts you up when you are down." They both mean that Happiness will pick you up when you are sad and mad. So that shows that they have the same meaning.

    1. Wow... look at you!! This is a fabulous response, and I'm proud to give you a grade of a 4 on this assignment! Keep up the great work and I completely agree with all of your thinking!

  19. The line "Happiness can lift your spirits," means that if you are always happy, then you will always have positive feelings and thoughts. The two lines that have the same meaning are the lines "And turn your sadness into joy," and "Make a smile from a frown." all three of these lines mean that even when you're sad, you should try to make yourself happy. :)

    1. I agree with all of your thinking. Keep up the great work!

  20. The line happiness can lift your spirits means that you should always be happy and positive feelings and a lot of thoughts. The two lines that mean the same thing is turn your sadness into joy and the other one is Make a smile from a frown. These lines mean turn your sadness into happiness not sadness but happiness, and thats what these three lines mean.

    1. Great work!! I completely agree and love that you were able to connect the lines to your explanation. Keep up the great work!

  21. "Happiness can lift your spirits" means that when you are feeling sad or down, when you release your happiness from you, things start to get better and happier for you. And you will think maybe things aren't so bad after all! My first piece of text evidence is when it says "Keep happiness close until your end" because it tells me that happiness is always there and you have to make the best of it. My second piece of text evidence is when it says "Make a smile from a frown" because that tells me that when things aren't the way you expected they would be, you can make them better by putting a smile on your face. My third piece of evidence is when it says "Happiness is something special" because that tells me that happiness is something that is always close to you and only you can use it to make things positive. In conclusion, happiness is something that is always there to make things better.
    The two lines that mean the same thing are "And turn your sadness into joy" and "Make a smile from a frown" because they both mean negative can turn into positive no matter what!

    1. Fabulous work! I like how you were able to fully support your thinking with multiple pieces of text evidence. I also like how you connected all of your ideas to your explanation! Keep up the great work!

  22. The phrase "happiness can lift your spirits"means that when your feeling sad or gloomy try to think positive even when the going gets though. The two lines that mean the same thing are "And turn sadness into joy" and 'Make a smile from a frown" because they both mean positive thoughts can always over power negative thoughts.

    1. Great job and I completely agree! Please make sure to do this on time in the future! :)

  23. When it says happiness can lift your spirits means that you should change nigitive thoughts and feelings into positive thoughts. When it says turn sadness into joy, when you feel sad you can have positive thoughts!

  24. I agree and you are off to a great start. Please be sure to double check your work; you needed to find 2 lines that meant the same thing. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts in the future!!
