Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 12

Please use the text The Monarch Butterfly: Nature's Timekeeper to respond to this week's question. Happy reading!

What evidence does the author give to support the idea that the people of Michoacan still honor the monarch butterfly? Give at least two details from the text to support your answer.


  1. One peice of evidence that the people of Michcoacan still honor the butterflies is that in the text it says "The return of the monarchs is important to the Mexican culture". Also in the text it says "The people still hold local festivals each year that pay tribute to the monarch. And this evidence truly shows that the people still honor the monarch today.

    1. Why does this evidence show that the people still honor the butterflies? Always remember RACE!!! :)

  2. In the article,the author used lots of evidence to support how the people of Michoacan honor the Monarch’s. But two pieces of evidence that stood out to me are,
    “ Year after year, the people watched and waited. They harvested and planted according to the monarch’s migration pattern, and the system worked well. The monarch’s became an important and beloved creature to the Michoacan, and the people honored the monarch for helping them grow enough food.” This shows me that after the butterflies kept on going with telling the people it was time to harvest or winter was coming, it also shows that the work the monarchs did was honored, and all the monarchs had to do was fly over the ocean.
    The second piece of text evidence is,
    “The return of the monarch butterfly is still a treasured and respected creature in Michoacan. But modern life threatens the butterfly’s survival. It’s habitat has been threatened because people have cut down trees for lumber and other uses. Without the oyamel forests, the
    Monarchs have no winter home, so the mexican government passed a law. Since 1986, it has been illegal to cut down or harm these forests in any way.” This shows me that they still care about the monarchs and how they helped the people, and that since the monarchs respected them they stood up for them and told the people not to cut down their forest home.

    1. Rayna, you are fabulous! You did a great job on this post. I love how you fully explained your thinking and were able to grab the entire part of the text to support your thinking. You only needed to include the specific part that proved your thinking, but I feel that adding the entire section really proved your point. Great work!!

  3. The author used many pieces of text evidence about how the Michoacan praise the Monarch butterflies. But two pieces of text evidence that mean a lot to me which are:
    “The return of the monarch butterfly is still a treasured and respected creature in Michoocan. But modern life threatens the butterfly’s survival. It’s habitat has been threatened because people have cut down trees for lumber and other uses. Without the Oyamel Forests, the Monarchs have no winter home, so the Mexican government passed a law. Since 1986, it has been illegal to cut down or harm these forests in any way.” This makes me realize that they still love the Monarch and how they help the people, also that we respect Monarch's so we came and said stop cutting down the precious trees that is their home.
    My second piece of text evidence is:
    “ Year after year, the people watched and waited. They harvested and planted according to the monarch’s migration pattern, and the system worked well. The monarch’s became an important and beloved creature to the Michoacan, and the people honored the monarch for helping them grow enough food.” This proves Monarch' were determined to harvest or winter is coming. Similarly it shows that Monarch's were helpful and all they did was that fly over the ocean.

    1. I agree with the details you selected, but look at your reasoning for your second piece of evidence... does it prove that the people honor the butterflies? Yes, your evidence does, but your reasoning needs to also support your thinking. :)

  4. The author from the text "The Monarch Butterfly: Nature's Timekeeper" has many ways to tell us the evidence to how the people of Michoacan still celebrate their butterfly. There were two pieces of evidence that stand out the most to me. My first piece of evidence is, the people hold local festivals each year that pay tribute to the monarch. My second piece of evidence is, the return of the monarchs is important to Mexican culture. The Mexican holiday Day of the Dead takes place on November 2, as the monarchs arrive. On this day , people pay respect to loved ones who have died. According to Mexican folklore, the butterflies carry ancestors' spirits back to their home land in Michoacan. This celebrates the monarch because on the day of the dead the monarchs bring back their ancestor' spirits and Mexican's thank them by celebrating them too.

    1. Great job, but don't forget RACE... Remember to explain how ALL of your pieces of evidence prove your answer. :)

  5. In the article The monarch Butterfly Nature's timekeeper some evidence that the Michoacan's still honor the Butterfly is because that was how they knew when it was in ancient times. They hold festivals every year when the Butterfly's come. The special day is November second. It is a huge deal for the Mexican culture. They still admire the Butterfly's today and probaly every year.

    1. You are definitely on the right track! Before you publish your work, be sure to use the rubric and look back at the original question to check you completed all parts of it. You're missing the second detail in your response, and be sure when you cite your evidence you copy it right from the text. Don't put it into your own words. :)

  6. In the article "The Monarch Butterfly: Nature's Timekeeper” has a lot of text evidence.
    One evidence that support this question is that the people of Michoacan honored the
    monarch butterflies by helping grow enough food for the butterflies. Another evidence
    is that the people of Michoacan still also hold a local festivals each year that pay tribute
    to the monarch.The people of Michoacan did this in return of the help that the butterfly
    gave them. I kind of learned that if you help someone in return you get the same thing.

    1. I agree with the details you selected, but remember the RACE format when you respond. I would have liked you to include the question as a sentence with an answer. Then, you would go into the evidence to support your answer and explain how that evidence connects back to your answer. Try to remember this as you respond in the future. Happy reading!

  7. Michoacans still honer the monarch butterfly, i think this because . In the text it says "the return of the monarchs is also very important to the Mexican culture .
    Another reason i think Michoacan's still honer the monarch butterfly is because.
    in the text it says " the monarch became a very important beloved creature to the people of Michoacan"s and the people honored them for helping them grow enough food". The lasts reason i think the Micoacan's still honer the monarch butterfly is because.In the text it says "today the monarch butterfly is still a treasure to the Michoacan's". that is why i think that the Michoacan's still honer the monarch butterfly .

    1. I agree with you and love that you were able to find 3 details to prove your thinking!!! Way to go! My only suggestion to you is make sure you explain HOW your details prove your thinking. Remember RACE!! :) Happy reading!

  8. In the text The Monarch Butterfly: Nature's Timekeeper the author gives multiple details to show how the Michoacan people still honor the monarch butterfly. My first piece of text evidence that proves this is “In fact, the people still hold local festivals each year that pay tribute to the monarch.” My second piece is “The return of the monarchs is also important to Mexican culture.” This all shows that that the people of the Michoacan clan will always “thank” the butterflys.

    1. How? I agree with the details you selected, but remember to explain how each detail connects back to your original thinking. :)

  9. I think the Michoacán still honor the Monarch butterfly. I think this because in the text it says " In fact, the people still hold local festivals each year that pay tribute to the monarch". Another piece of evidence from the text is " Today the Monarch butterfly is still a treasured and respected creature in Michoacán. My last piece of evidence from the text is " the Monarch became a important and beloved creature to the people of Michoacán. That is why I think that the Monarch butterfly is still honored by the people of Michoacán.

    1. Wow... great job being able to gather 3 details!! Remember though, it's important to prove or explain how EACH detail you select supports your original thinking. :)

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. In the article “The Monarch Butterfly: Natures Timekeeper” there were many ways the author explained that the Michoacán still celebrate the monarch butterfly. The first piece of evidence that stood out to me most was "The people still hold local festivals each year that pay tribute to the monarch" and if they do a festival each year that means that are still doing it. My second piece of text evidence is "The butterflies carry the ancestors’ spirits back to their homeland in Michoacán.” This proves that the Michoacán still celebrate the monarch because both the text evidence are about the Monarch doing things for the Michoacán each year.

    1. You are off to a great start. Don't change your thinking midway through the response... your first detail is absolutely correct. When you got to the second one, you changed your thinking about how the butterfly celebrates the people when you needed to talk about how the people celebrate the butterfly. The format of your response is great, just be careful and answer what the question asks. :)

  12. in the article The Monarch Butterfly: Nature's Timekeeper the author explained the details on how the Michoacán still honor the Monarch butterfly. I know this because in paragraph 5 it says “... Michoacán saw the birds arrive”, which makes know that the Michoacán are about to honor the Monarch butterfly’s that come and travel from 2000 to 3000 miles. I know that that sentence of evidence is right because it shows how the butterflies have to do something hard that should be celebrated. Also, in paragraph 7 it says, “The return of monarchs is also important to Mexican culture”, which tells me they celebrate it pretty much every year because of the butterflies’ importance. That evidence tells me that the Michoacán honor the butterfly by showing how they wait for the butterflies every year. My last piece of evidence is in paragraph 4 and it says, “The butterflies’ trip to Mexico Is 2000 to 3000 miles long” which makes me know that the butterflies should be horned by there very long journey to Mexico.I know that is right because it shows how going on a long journey should be celebrated and horned by people.

    1. We were meant to use race right?

    2. You are right; you did need to use RACE for this post. The details you chose were more of an opinion about why the butterflies should be honored. For example because they make such a long journey. I was looking more for how you as a reader know the people do honor them. You should have selected details like they hold festivals every year.
      Be sure to read carefully so you don't make this mistake in the future. :)

  13. In the article The Monarch Butterfly: Nature's Time Keeper I think that in Michoacan the Monarch butterfly is still very important. One piece of evidence is that in the text it says "since 1986, it has been illegal to cut down or harm these forests in any way." That shows me that they still care about these Monarch Butterflies. Also that they are important to michoacan. Another piece of evidence is that in the text it says "In fact, the people still hold local festivals each year that pay tribute to the Monarch." So they still celebrate the butterfly. Overall, I think that they still celebrate the Monarch butterfly in Michoacan.

    1. I agree with you but would like to see you explain your thinking using a bit more detail. Be sure to fully explain your thinking so the person reading your thoughts can almost feel like they are in your head. :)

  14. In the article The Monarch Butterfly: Nature's Timekeeper, butterflies are one of the most important insect. The first text evidence is they still hold local festivals each year that pay tribute to the monarch. They play music and dance to celebrate the butterflies. The last text evidence is since 1986, it has been illegal to cut down or harm these forests anyway. This law has helped the monarch butterfly to survive. In conclusion, they still do celebrate the monarch butterflies.

    1. Great thinking and good job picking the details from the text to prove your idea. Don't forget to explain how these details prove your idea. :)

  15. In the article, The Monarch Butterfly:Nature's Timekeeper, butterflies were very important to the Michoacan people because they helped keep those peoples pattern right. They still hold festivals today and honor the monarch butterflies. My first text evidence is when it says" Today the monarch butterfly is still a treasured and respected creature in the Michoacan". That tells me that the butterfly is still a big insect in the Michoacan. My second piece of text evidence is when it says" In fact, the people still hold festivals each year that pay tribute to the monarch. They play music and dance to celebrate the butterflies and the harvest". This tells me that they still hold parties each year for the butterflies. My third piece of text evidence is when it says" Since 1986, it has been illegal to cut down or harm these forests in any way". This tells me that the people in Michoacan really care about the monarch butterflies and doesn't want to harm them.
    In conclusion, people still do celebrate the monarch butterflies today!

    1. Excellent! Great job being able to find 3 details to prove your thinking and being able to explain how these details prove your thinking. Keep up the great work!

  16. in the article, The Monarch Butterfly: Nature's Timekeeper, butterflies were impotant to the michoacan people because they had a time sicle when the butterflies came that ment you should harvest your crops here is some text evedence that says you should do that "When the butterflies arrived in early november, it was time to harvest the corn and other crops.". when they levea that is when you plant your crops here is some text evdence that says that "when the butterflies left in early march, it was time to plant.".That is why I think the Michoacan people still honer the monarch butterflies.

    1. Hmm... it seems like you chose details that support the idea that the butterfly is important to the people. That is a little different from honoring something. When you honor something like a butterfly, you pay tribute to it; like the people holding festivals to celebrate the butterfly. :)

  17. In the text The Monarch Butterfly: Nature's Timekeeper, Monarch butterflies were important to the Michoacan people because they would tell the Michoacan people when to harvest your crops. I know this because in the text it says "When the butterflies arrived in early November it was time harvest the corn and other crops.". When they levea that means that it is time to the crops. I know this because in the text it says "When the butterflies left in early March it was time to plant." that is why the Michoacan people still honor Monarch butterflies.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm glad to see you completed your post, but did you read carefully? You responded about the importance of the butterfly to the people when you were supposed to answer how the people honor the butterfly. There is a definite difference in these 2 ideas. Be sure to read carefully next time you post your thinking!!

  18. The people of Michoacan still honor the monarch butterflies because the butterflies helped them keep track of the time. One piece of text evidence that shows these butterflies are still honored is when it says "Today the monarch butterfly is still a treasured and respected creature in Michoacan." Another piece of text evidence is when it says "The Mexican holiday, Dia de los Muertos (or "Day of the Dead") takes place on November 2, as the monarchs arrive." This shows that the people of Michoacan even celebrate a holiday to honor the monarch butterflies. My last piece of text evidence is where it says "The Mexican government passed a law." It is illegal to cut down the trees of oyamel forests or harm the monarchs' habitat in any way. Overall, these are the ways the people of Michoacan still honor the monarch butterflies.

    1. Good job! Be careful though; the answer you wrote was about why the people honor the butterfly. The question was just to provide evidence on how you know they honor the butterfly!! :)

  19. In the article, The Monarch Butterfly: Nature's Timekeeper, Monarch Butterfly's were an honer to the Michoacan people and still are today. One piece of text evidence that shows the Michoacan people still honer the Monarch Butterfly is" The Monarch became an important and beloved creature to the people of Michoacan,and the people honored the monarch for helping them grow enough food." This evidence shows that they honored the Monarch butterfly because the Monarch helped them harvest good food and crops each year. My second piece of text evidence that supports that the Michoacan people honer the Monarch is" The Mexican holiday Dia de los Muertos (or "Day of the Dead") takes place on November 2, as the monarchs arrive." This shows the Michoacan honers the Monarch by celebrating the return of the Monarch butterfly with a holiday. In conclusion, the evidence from the text in paragraph six shows that the Michoacan honer them in multiple ways and one is because the Monarch helps them plant and harvest. In paragraph seven it shows that the Michoacan honers the Monarch by throwing a big festival and celebrating the returning of the Monarch.

  20. The Michoacan Still honor the Monarch Butterfly because, in the text when it says “The people noticed a pattern in the rhythm of the Monarchs’ arrival and departure. When the butterfly’s arrived in early November, it was time to harvest the corn and other crps. When the butterfly’s left in early March, it was time to plant.” This shows that the people honored the Monarch's because of helping people know the time without clock’s. also, Monarch’s are honored because in the text it says “The mexican holiday Dia de los Muertos (or “Day of the dead”) takes place on November 2nd, as the Monarchs arrive. Lastly, in the text when it says “Today the Monarch butterfly is still a treasured and respected creature in Michoacan. Overall the Monarch butterfly is honored till this day.🍭

    1. Yes, the people used the butterfly to know when to harvest crops, but be sure to explain how this shows they honor the butterflies. For your other details, be sure to explain how they prove your thinking. :)

  21. The Michoacan's honor the monarch butterfly, here are some evidence to prove it.My first piece of text evidence is, "In fact the people still hold local festivals each year that pay tribute to the monarch."This shows that the Michoacan's celebrate and honor the monarch butterfly. My next piece of text evidence is, "Several other festivals honor the monarchs as the begin to leave Mexico and return to the North."This shows that the people still celebrate the monarchs even when they are going to leave. My last piece of text evidence is,"The Mexican government passed a law. Since 1986, it has been illeagle to cut down or harm thease forests in any way. This law has helped the monarchs survive and follow their natrual cycles."This shows that the people in Mexico care so much about the monarchs so they passed a law that prevented people to harm the forests. All of this text evidence proves that the Michaocan's have and always will respect the monarch butterflies.

  22. In the article, "The Monarch Butterfly:Nature's Timekeeper", butterflies were very important to the Michoacan people because they helped keep the peoples. My first text evidence is when it says" Today the monarch butterfly is still a treasured and respected creature in the Michoacan". That tells me that the Monarch butterfly is still a very important creature in the Michoacan. My second piece of text evidence is when it says" In fact, the people still hold festivals each year that pay tribute to the monarch. They play music and dance to celebrate the butterflies and the harvest". This tells me that they still hold celebrations each year for the Monarchs. My third piece of text evidence is when it says" Since 1986, it has been illegal to cut down or harm these forests in any way". This line from the text tells me that the people in Michoacan really care about the Monarch butterflies and they don't want to harm them.Overall, I think that the people of Michoacan still care about the Monarch butterflies.
