Monday, February 29, 2016

Week 10!

This week, we will be practicing writing Write Longs for our reading response.  Please make a claim about one of the following and support it with 3 pieces of text evidence and support.  Remember to close it out with an opinion or reflection.  
                         **Please choose the claim opposite of the one you chose last week!**

Claim Options: 

      - The theme of your book (big idea/ lesson)
     -  An adjective to describe a character (character trait)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 9!

This week, we will be practicing writing Write Longs for our reading response.  Please make a claim about one of the following and support it with 3 pieces of text evidence and support.  Remember to close it out with an opinion or reflection.

Claim Options: 

      - The theme of your book (big idea/ lesson)
     -  An adjective to describe a character (character trait)


Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 8!

Choose an independent reading book and write a summary of the book.  Keep in mind that good summaries just state the facts of what the book is about without giving their opinion. Be sure to reference the rubric this week to help you with your response.  
Happy Reading!!