Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 14

Please use the text How to Build a Japanese Fighter Kite to respond to this weeks question.

What does the word "deft" mean in paragraph 3? What context clues helped you understand the meaning of the word deft?

Happy reading!!


  1. The word deft means skilled. One piece of text evidence is "You may discover skills you never knew you had". This statement states that you may discover skills you have with your fingers. Another piece of text evidence is "fighting kites on the other hand are all about movement and maneuverability. They are designed to respond sharply to each tug on the line. You have to be very skilled with your fingers to fly a fighter kite. My last piece of text evidence is "As you practice controlling your kite you"ll discover how the kite becomes a living thing". you need a lot of skill in your fingers to make a kite come alive.

    1. I was the unknown for this one sorry for my mistake.

  2. The word deft means talented. I know this because in the text it says "You may discover skills you never knew that you had." That states that you portly are talented and discover somethings that you are good at. My next piece of text evidence is " fighting kites on the other hand are all about movement and maneuverability. They are designed to to respond sharply to each tug on the line. You have to be very skilled with your fingers to fly a fighter kite. My last piece of text is " As you practice controlling your kite you'll discover how the kite becomes a living thing. Overall, the Japanese kite used to be a normal kite and now it is just called a kite.

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  4. The word deft means skilled. One piece of text evidence is "You may discover skills you never knew you had". This statement states that you may discover skills you have with your fingers. Another piece of text evidence is "fighting kites on the other hand are all about movement and maneuverability. They are designed to respond sharply to each tug on the line. You have to be very skilled with your fingers to fly a fighter kite. My last piece of text evidence is "As you practice controlling your kite you"ll discover how the kite becomes a living thing". you need a lot of skill in your fingers to make a kite come alive.

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  5. The word deft means skilled. One reason is because in the text it says"You may discover skills you never knew you had." That shows that it means skilled because they are saying that you may discover skills. Another reason is because in the text it says "as you practice" a lot so you get more skills as you practice.

  6. The word deft means you need to have still fingers because it says " Mastering a fighter kite takes constant focus and deft fingers." Another reason is after much practice, you may discover meaning the more still you get.It is important that you get your fingers really still in order to master the skill.

  7. The word deft in the passage How To Build a Japanese Fighter kite means skillful I think this because . In the passage it was saying that if you master something you become deft /skillful at it. Another reason i think the word deft means skillful because. in the passage it saying that you have to be deft/skillful to be able to work the kite . The last reason i think the word deft means skillful is because it is saying if you keep practicing you will become deft/skillful.

  8. The word deft means still because in the paragraph it says "Mastering a fighter kite takes constant focus and deft fingers." the word deft means still. It means this because it is important to have still fingers in order to master the skill.

  9. The meaning of the word deft is fast and smooth. I know this because in the text it says fighting kites are all about movement and maneuverability and use your fingers to move the kite sharp and smooth.

  10. The word deft in paragraph 3 means focus on what you are doing. How I know is because in the paragraph it says ~ Mastering a fighter kite takes constant focus and deft fingers. Another evidence is this ~Some people find kite flying very restful too because focusing on the kite helps clear your mind of other thoughts and worries. Finnaly my last piece of text evidence is this ~As you practice controlling a fighter kite you'll discover how the kite becomes a living thing. That is all my pieces of evidence how I know that the meaning of deft in the story How to build a japanese kite means focus on what you are doing.

  11. I think the word deft in paragrah 3 means steady and focus. I think this because if you want to fly a kite you have to focus on it. You have to focus on how the kite becomes a living thing. You're hands have to be steady when you're fly a kite sometimes. When you fly a kite you have to be focusing and steady.

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  13. The word deft in paragraph 3 means focus on what you are doing and being skillful. I know this because when it says ...focus and deft that tells me about focusing hard. Also when it says,"You may discover skills...", that tells me about skill. finally flying a kite can take steady hands and good skill so you really need to focus on what you are doing other why your kite will blow away. To rap it up the word deft in my opinion means having a good skill at flying the kite and being focused on what you do.

  14. Deft means skillful in paragraph 3. I know this because in the text it says “you may discover SKILLS you never knew you had.” This proves deft means skillful because it implies that deftness is a skill when you MASTER a fighter kite. My 2nd and final piece of text evidence is that “Mastering a fighter kite takes constant focus and DEFT fingers.” If you replaced the word deft with the word skillful, the sentence will still mean the same exact thing. In conclusion, deft means skillful.

  15. The word deft means to be skilled. One context clue I used was the sentence that the word was in, which was "Mastering a fighter kite takes constant focus and deft fingers." I know your fingers have to be skilled because they need good grip for you to focus on what your holding. Another context clue I used was "Fighting kites, on the other hand, are all about movement and maneuverability." This shows the word "deft" means "skilled" because your hands need to move around, but you still need to focus, as it said in the other sentence. Overall, these are the two ways "deft" means "skilled".

  16. The word deft means skilled. I think that because it says "all about movement and maneuverability. You need strong and skilled and also concentrated mind for this. Next it says "After much practice you may discover skills you never knew you had" and to do that you have to have professional skills to fly this kite. And Finally it says the title is "Japanese Fighter Kite". You might be wondering why that is a context clue. But I think it is one because it has fighter in the name and to be a fighter it takes one to many skills so flying this kite might look easy but its harder than it looks!

  17. The word deft means it is not easy.I think this because it says "Mastering a fighter kite takes constant and deft fingers"next it says "After much practice, you may discover skills you never knew you had"and my finlly text evdence is the word "Japanese Fighter Kite" i think that is one because a fighter is tough and to controll it is hard so that is why I think it is not easy to fly a Jspsnese Fighter Kite.

  18. In the text "How To Build A Japanese Fighter Kite"the word deft used in paragraph 3 means o be skillful. I know this because in the text it says "After much practice,you may discover skills you never knew you had." This shows that deft means skillful because to learn skills you have to be skillful. My second reason on why deft means skillful is because the text says "As you practice controlling a fighter kite, you'll discover how the kite becomes a living thing." This shows that deft means skillful because to discover a non living thing is a living thing is very skillful. This proves that the word deft means to be skillful because the text proves that the word means skillful and I used my thinking to describe it.

  19. In the text "How to Build a Japanese Fighter Kite" the word deft means that you need to be skillful and quick at the same time.One detail that supports this is "As you practice controlling a fighter kite you'll discover how the kite becomes a living thing". This proves that deft means skillful because to prove that a inanimate object is living takes skill.


  20. In the text of “How to Build a Japanese Fighter Kite” the meaning of the word deft is to be skilled.. One context clue is, in the same sentence when it says “Mastering a fighter kite takes constant focus and deft. To be constantly focused you need to have skill. Next, it says in paragraph 3, “ As you practice controlling a fighter kite, you’ll discover how the kite becomes a living thing.” this can clearly show how the meaning of the word deft as it’s used in the 3rd paragraph means to be skilled. Overall, these context clues really helped me find the meaning of this word. 🍭

  21. In the text "How to Build a Japanese Fighter Kite" the meaning of the word deft is skillful and like an expert. One reason that shows deft means being skillful and an expert is "After much practice, you may discover skills you never knew you had." This shows that deft means skillful and an expert because it says you need to be skilled to master the kite. My second reason is "Mastering a fighter kite takes constant focus and deft fingers." This shows that deft means to be skillful and an expert because you have to focus to be skilled. In conclusion, the lines from the text helped me identify what the word deft means.

  22. In the text "How to Build a Japanese Fighter Kite" the meaning of the word deft is skillful and like an expert. One reason that shows deft means being skillful and an expert is "After much practice, you may discover skills you never knew you had." This shows that deft means skillful and an expert because it says you need to be skilled to master the kite. My second reason is "Mastering a fighter kite takes constant focus and deft fingers." This shows that deft means to be skillful and an expert because you have to focus to be skilled. In conclusion, the lines from the text helped me identify what the word deft means.

  23. In the text the How to Build a Japanese Fighter Kite I think that the word, “Deft” means you need to probably have need to have to do it right or the whole thing can mess up. One line from the passage that support’s this is the line, “constant focus” because this means you need focus and be really concentrated, too. Some context clues that helped me figure this out because it says you need to be focused and deft so this made me think that deft probably meant something similar focused so I think it means concentration because if you make one wrong move the whole thing could mess up.

  24. When it says "deft" in the text,How To Build A Japanese Fighter Kite. I thought it means you have to have steady fingers because it says deft fingers, and many times you are building something you need to consintrate have focus and steady fingers. I also think that is what it means because it also says it takes constant focus.

  25. When it says "deft in How To Build A Japanese Fighter Kite it means skilled and quick because in the text it says "Mastering a fighter kite takes constant focus which means to be concentrated and quick and people who are good at something the are usually focused on it. Think about does this sentence make sense? Mastering a fighter kite takes constant focus and quick fingers. Probably, because if deft fingers means quick it should be ok replacing that word. Overall I think deft means quick.

  26. The word deft in the passage "How To Build a Japanese Fighter Kite" means skillful. I think this because in the passage it was saying that "If you master something you become deft (skillful) at it." Another reason I think the word deft means skillful because in the passage it saying that " you have to be deft (skillful) to be able to work the Japanese Fighter Kite . The third and final reason I think the word deft means skillful is because it is saying "if you keep practicing you will become deft (skillful)." Overall, I think the word deft mans skillful.
    -Samaira Singh

  27. The word deft means that be evidence is "if you master something you become deft

  28. The word deft means that be evidence is "if you master something you become deft

  29. The word deft means "dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever: deft hands mechanic.

  30. The word deft means "dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever: deft hands mechanic.
