Monday, May 2, 2016

Week 15

I hope you loved hearing Wonder as our read aloud. For this week's post, please use the appendix from Wonder titled "Mr. Browne's Precepts".

Image result for WonderA precept is a general rule to follow regarding behavior. Mr. Browne wrote a precept for each of his students. If you were a student in his class, what would your precept be? Why would this be your precept?

After selecting your precept, be sure to include the following in your post...
  • restate the precept you choose for yourself
  • explain what this precept means
  • explain why this precept applies to you
Happy reading!!


  1. "If you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet they're about to announce the lottery numbers!" - Homer Simpson. It means that you have to earn something before you get it like winning a lottery you can't say I won and you win, you have to earn it buy trying as hard as you can. This means something to me because it shows that when my brother says can I have this toy he has to have to earn it by doing chores, behavior, or helping your parents, etc. So the main reason is that you can't get anything you want within one demand.
    The "Homer Simpson" is one of my favorite Simpsons!

  2. Julians precept is Sometimes it's good to start over which I think means that when you did something mean or wrong you feel a lot of regret and want to start over. And that's how I think Julian feels because he was mean to auggie and no one wanted to be his friend anymore because of that.

  3. Charlotte's postcard "It's not enough to be friendly. You have to be a friend". I think it means you can be nice but you sometimes aren't a friend, like you're not as nice as some other people are. Like Charlotte was friendly to Auggie, but Summer was friends with Auggie. To be a true friend you can depend on them and they can depend on you they can trust you and you can trust them. When you're friendly you aren't as dependable for them and there not that dependable for you.They also aren't as trustable as you're true friends. Always try and be a friend not just friendly

  4. Charlotte's postcard "It's not enough to be friendly. You have to be a friend". I think it means you can be nice but you sometimes aren't a friend, like you're not as nice as some other people are. Like Charlotte was friendly to Auggie, but Summer was friends with Auggie. To be a true friend you can depend on them and they can depend on you they can trust you and you can trust them. When you're friendly you aren't as dependable for them and there not that dependable for you.They also aren't as trustable as you're true friends. Always try and be a friend not just friendly

  5. I think that Auggie’s postcard best describes me because, once in awhile it’s nice to have your standing ovation or your time to shine, too. What made me think this best describes me was I feel that for example, it always feels good to have my art work “WOW” at but it also makes me feel happy when my other friends get a standing ovation,too. But sometimes too much of it can make you spoiled.

  6. I am doing Julian's summer precept " Sometimes it's good to start over". I choose this because I feel that whenever you do bad you want to start over, but you can't always. For some people it's different like for Julian he ended up feeling really bad for making fun of Auggie and starting over so he put the past away. I can relate to this because I really wanted to start over when I got in trouble. Then I got the chance to start over and at that moment I was really lucky.

  7. I think I like Julian's the best because in my words sometimes
    it's good to start over means if you make a mistake try fixing and start over.Like in math, sometimes I make a mistake.Then I say myself well I think am going to be MORE CAREFUL next time and practice more.I think he wrote this as his precept because he was to sad that he did a lot of bad things like being mean to Jack and August.I think this precept for people who bullied a others. :)

  8. I think that I like Charlotte's precept the best because many people are forced to be nice to someone, but when you are a friend nothing is forced. Like in some stories it says "S/he was smiling brightly, but I knew it was forced."

  9. In all the precept I can chose from is that I mostly like Jacks precept. Why I like it the most is because when it says Keep calm and carry on I think that means to just be you and don't let people boss you around just... knock yourself silly and just be you because the real you is the real you so just be your own self. Because thats COOL BEANS!!!!!!~:):):):):):)!!

    1. I really liked this Post because you answered all of the questions and at the end when you said COOL BEANS :)

  10. I think the best precept is August's precept "Everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their life because we all overcometh the world." I think it means that you should always be appreciated for what do at least once in their life. This applies in real life because it life because it makes everyone feel good to have people clap for a good cause that you did

  11. I think my precept is charlotte cody's precept is because. I think that you can say "oh I'm your best friend i will do any thing for you" . Thats just being friendly you have to be a real friend and prove it . Like don't keep secrets or say mean things be a true friend .

  12. I think Charlottes precept is the best;"It's not enough to be friendly. You have to be a friend". I think this because if you are nice to someone but you're not friends they might not feel as glad as they should be because what if they don't have friends and people keep doing nice things that person might get tired of it and lonely. If you were their friend then they would feel more glad and have trust in you to do things. Also if you are acting nice but you really don't like the person then you should probably be their friend otherwise they won't have trust in you.To sum it up on Charlotte's postcard when it says,"It's not enough to be friendly. You have to be a friend", you definitely should be the person's friend

    1. on the last sentence after friend there should be a period.😄

  13. I think that the precept most like me is “All you need is love.” I think this is like me most because I am a loving person. I always like to hug my mom and dad. This is why I think this is most like me. Also, I think this precept means that you can be poor or sick but love will still make you happy and helps you through hard times. This is what I think “all you need is love” means and why it’s most like me.

  14. The postcard precept I like the most is Jack's precept because it's mostly like me. When I first read, "Keep calm and carry on!" I thought that meant that you should always go with the flow and even if it's kind of bad, you should always stay calm. I think this precept is like me because I go with the flow and I kind of stay calm while doing it. Overall, this is why Jack's precept is like me, and what I think it means.

  15. The preccept that stood out the most to me was Maya's, " All you need is love." I think this line means that you don't need everything to be happy all you need is someone to love and someone to love you.I also think it means that wee all need eachother not just money and toys. I think this preccept is most like me because I like to help people when they are sad, when someone is sad all they need is love and comfort. That is what i think "All you need is love." means.

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  18. The precept that stood out to me most was "Sometimes it's good to start over".This means that if you don't like something you did the first time you start over. I thought this precept fit me most because sometimes when I am meeting someone for the first time I what a Good reputation,so when I mess up at my introduction I will start over because I want people to think I am a good person.
    That is why I think the precept "Sometimes it's good to start over” fits me most.

  19. The precept that I chose was " Keep Calm and carry on" and I think that means that when bad things happen you have to let it go and move on. I think that fits me most because when bad things happen I just move on and try to think positive. Like for instance when I lost my water Bottle I was sad for a couple days but then I moved on and I thought "I have another water bottle" and moved on to the positive.

  20. The precept that I choose was" No man is an island,entire of itself" this means not just one person can do it all of them have to do it. this fits most with me because i cant just do it to make world dance my whole team has to try to make it to world dance because we have a better chance to make it to world dance if we all try so hard and put our hearts in to the dance.

  21. The precept I chose is "when given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." This means that you should always be kind. You can still be right but if you have a choice you should be kind. This is important to me because I always try to be kind not a know-it-all. If someone said something wrong I would agree with them so the wouldn't be sad.

  22. The Precept Liked the most was the March precept "Kind words don't cost much. Yet they accomplish much." This means Kind words shouldn't be rare they should be always coming out of your mouth. Yet they can do a lot to someones day. This fits with me because I think I always make someones day at least one day every week. And I try to constantly say kind things to people.✌🏽

  23. The precept I chose was "Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all times you can, As long as you ever can." This precept means to always to do good things and respect people no mater what happens. I think this precept applies to me because I think people should never ever under any circumstances be mean to anyone. Also, I believe you should always do kind things no mater what that person or people did to you.

  24. The precept that I am writing about is " Keep Calm and Carry On". I think this means that if something bad happens to you, you just have to keep calm and try to relax, move on and don't let it bother you. This relates to me because whenever something bad happens to me I just tell myself to a relax and not to think about it.
    -Samaira :)

  25. The precept I chose is Do all the good you can. I think that means is to do the best you can do because everyone should do their best in what there doing to other people for example, I try to be kind to everyone so they can be happy as well.


  26. The precept I chose was do all the good you can. I think it means that in life you should choose to do good and to be kind than to be rude to other people.

  27. The precept i am writing is "Don't try too hard to be cool.It always shows and that's uncool"i think this means that when you don't try to be cool you are and then other people think that you are trying to be cool this aplies to me because sometimes i try and be cool and i am noot sometimes i don't try and I don't try and I am and then my friends think I am trying so I think it is better to try and be cool because i rather not be cool than have my friends think stuff about me
