Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Week 17

Hello readers!!!

For this week's response, please again respond using the strategies you've learned in class to the reading you are doing independently, outside of the classroom. It may help you to use the sentence starters

  • In the text when...
  • Makes me think...
  • Because...
Remember that the first part is when you copy directly out of the text (a direct quote). Please use the rubric I attached to help make your response fabulous!

<3 Mrs. Cucinotti


  1. The book False Prince is about how the main character"Roy" had to face a lot of problems so I think he is brave.One reason is that he was brave because he saved his friend from an evil witch.In conclusion,Roy was brave

  2. In The book Upside Down Magic I think the main idea is celebrate your differences because nory's magic is a little funky but she learns that her strange powers can come in handy and discovers that she is one special girl.

  3. In the book Jack I think it is about how Jack has a curious brain and is very adventres. He often pretends slaying giants. Then one day he actully saw a giant. Now he tells people that he sees giants but no one believes him. He tries to prove everyone by slaying a giant but will he ever find one again?

  4. In the book Jack I think it is about how Jack has a curious brain and is very adventres. He often pretends slaying giants. Then one day he actully saw a giant. Now he tells people that he sees giants but no one believes him. He tries to prove everyone by slaying a giant but will he ever find one again?

  5. In the book,Me And Miranda Mullay I think it's about when 3 boys have a crush on this girl named Miranda. One of the reasons why those boys have a crush on Miranda is because she saved them from a seat so called the thumbtack. Another reason why the boys like the girl is because the girl was being to the boys. That's why the 3 boys have a crush on miranda.

  6. By Sarina...
    In the book The Candy Makers by Wendy Mass. It says "two boys stood beside her .The taller boy in a blue suit and a tie". This makes me think he liked her . I think this because, i mean what kind of kid would dress up fancy at a candy factory . Another reason i think he liked her is because it says "by the looks of it they were having a very heated debate . so i think the two boys were fighting over her . To rap it up i think the boy in the blue suit and tie liked the girl .

  7. In the book Auggie and me R.J. Palacio it about other wonder stories about their point of view they are julian and pluto and last but not lease shingaling. i'm on the julian chapter. I think the authors point of view is how they felt and wanted to show how the most people in the story felt during this. Also i can't wait to keep reading.

  8. I am reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows" by J.K.Rowling. Right now Harry is captured by Fenrir Greyback who is a werewolf. My prediction is that Harry will escape from Fenrir because Harry is great with magic and with escaping people.

  9. Week 17:

    In the book I Survived Hurricane Katrina. When I was reading it, I found a word which seemed to be very descriptive the word was “Rickety” In the sentence it was used like this “There was no way they could force Cleo up the Rickety Stairs.” So I used the usual Context Clues ;) So I went on into the sentence and it turns out that the family was going up into the attic to stay safe from the flood. So everybody knows how old rusty and scary attic’s can be right? So I realized that the work Rickety could mean old creek ity old. Just like any other attic steps would be like. Overall, This strategy is the best I recommend it to everybody!! :) :0 🍭

  10. I am reading the book "Lucky Strike" by Bobbie Pyron. In the text when Nate said that there was a huge storm coming made me think that there was a hurricane coming. I thought this because a hurricane usually has heavy winds and rain. Another place when the text said "Gen, the smartest girl in Franklin County and maybe even in all of Florida, Gen, his best and steadfast friend, lay crumpled on the sand, smoke rising from her clothes" made me think that Gen was struck by lightning because things smoke when struck by electricity.

  11. I am reading the book Exploring the Bismarck by Robert D. Ballard. The main idea of the chapter called a visit from Hitler is that the Hitler goes to the gigantic ship the Bismarck. One detail supporting this is "The Fuhrer is coming on board!" My second detail from the text is "Attention seamen of the Bismarck, this is your captain. We have just learned that the Fuhrer plans to inspect our ship." my last detail from the text is "the men on board were thrown into a frenzy of activity with the news that Hitler was coming."

  12. In the book Auggie and me, I came across a tough word. The word was used like this...snickering. The contact clues were "Whoa, dude!" He was snickering. I did not really think that it was a very good work to put and then not say what it meant. But now I realize that you have to use contact clues to fix the problem ? Now I am thinking that the work mans a little smirk on your face but you can tell that someone's donig it.

  13. the book I'm reading the book "House of Hades". the main problem is that two of the most valuable demigods fell into the underworld so they have to figure out how to escape. I think that they are running out of air this makes me think that because they are having trouble finding the resources they need to survive.

  14. Im reading the book wishing day by Lauren Myracle and I have a hard time understanding this story ..... until I found the contact clues:)This is one of them 1."So socks can be happy". And that makes me think that Natasha is a creative thinker and likes to think silly>>:)!! Now I understand if you struggle on what your reading and just cant find the idea just use contact clues!! Thank you contact clues>>>>>!

  15. I am reading the book Here Today by Ann M. Martin. In the text when it says, "'Eleanor,' Doris said quietly,'shut up,'" It made me wonder why Ellie's Mother was taking all her anger and disappointment out on Ellie. Doris (Ellie's Mom) was trying out to be a circus girl, and someone else was chosen. It was kind of rude for her to take all her anger out on Ellie.

  16. In the book, Harry Potter and the Soccers stone. Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are in a trap where to get out they need to play wizard chess. Wizard chess is a game like normal chess except you are one of the chess pieces. My prediction is that behind the door Voldemort will be hiding and Harry has to fight Voldemort.


  17. I think that the main idea of the book “The House of Hades” is to never give up. I know this because Annabeth keeps saying to herself “I won’t die, I won’t die.” Even though she is about to die. She survived because she still had hope. Secondly, Hazel was suffering but Frank had hope. He saved her by getting a god to save her. He did a great deed and could have died too. He never gave up. Lastly, Annabeth had suffered so much because of her broken ankle. She could barely walk but she kept going. This all showed how much everyone had not given up.

  18. I think the main idea in "fantasy league" is that Charlie is famous and he doesn't want to be. One reason I think this is because Charlie is at a press conference for a pro football team and he was really shy. So that is one hint to me that Charlie doesn't want the fame that he is getting. Another reason is because when there were reporters at his school he called his mom to make them leave. So that means he doesn't want to be on TV or be famous. One more reason is because his friend Anna convinced him to have a talk show after she thought of the idea for it and he didn't want to do it. So he didn't want to give everyone his thoughts about football and fantasy football because he would be known all around the country for that. My last reason is that he still lives his life like nothing is happening. That shows that he doesn't draw attention to himself. All of these reasons clearly show that Charlie is getting fame that he doesn't want.

  19. I am reading "The beast of baskerville" and in the text when Adam asked the beast a quetion and the beast snapped at hime here is the text "So why don't you live in the house with your mom? Adam asked "Because she is a wich,"the beast snapped".That made me think JJ's mom is a wich could the beast be JJ.Later on in the book I found out it was JJ.

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    2. I am reading the book Saige by Jessie Haas. The main idea of this book is that saige's school can't afford art anymore and shuts it down and Saige decides to raise money by having a horse festival. I think this is the main idea because in the text it says"Tessa gave me a pitying look. Saiea.ge, dont be sush a space cadet, we don't have art this year,we have music".
      Next it says"Cool my grandmother trains horses". Thats why I think that is the main idea

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  22. Matt Hallowell becomes lone honcho when his dad leaves him at their cabin in Maine and heads off to pick up the rest of their family in Massachusetts. Being a loner isn't so bad for Matt until a not-so-friendly passerby up and steals his only rifle. Then Matt almost gets himself killed by a hive of angry bees. Enter Saknis and his grandson, Attean, local Penobscot Indians. Saknis saves Matt's life, and as payment, Matt agrees to teach Attean English. Attean's not thrilled with the arrangement, since he's a white-boy hater, (this was in the westward expansion) and Matt's not crazy about Attean either. But over time the boys build a relationship based around stories from Robinson Crusoe and Attean's Survivorman lessons. The duo even kills a bear that's on the attack together. Matt learns that distrust flows both ways, and finds that not all Indians are his fans, especially Attean's grandmother. But that changes when Matt goes out of his way to save Attean's dog from an animal trap—suddenly he's on the short list of white boys that Attean's people trust. The Penobscots invite Matt to join their clan when they leave for the winter (and the rest of their lives), and though Matt loves the idea, he can't be disloyal to his family—even though they are months late in their arrival. Saying no earns Matt respect from Attean (finally), but also leaves him lonely and worried, until he realizes that with the Indians' gifts, he can survive even the harshest weather. And his father agrees once he finally returns to the cabin with the rest of Matt's family, that is. Life is peachy once more, and Matt can't wait to tell them all about Attean and the rest of his Penobscot people.

    1. I forgot to mention the title it is the sign of the beaver.

  23. I am reading the book Swindle. In the book when it said scrambled I didn't know would it meant so I used context clues. The words that helped was when it said "they scrambled back across ninth street." It showed that they were moving across ninth street so it sounds like they ran across ninth street. So I figured out that it meant like running away. That's how I figured out what the word Scramble means. I can't wait for new strategies.

  24. In the book" The Blood of Olympus" when it says " But those wings- they were polished gold, right down to the last feather" makes me think that Leo really admires the way that the wings look, because Leo is thinking that the wings are so pretty and polished.

  25. I am reading the book "the loser list" and the main character Danny, is in trouble for "stealing" a #1 issue.I was confused because he didn't steal it. So I reread the paragraph and I understood that he didn't steal the comic book. As i keep reading I find different strategies for different things.

  26. I am reading the book, Who Is Malala Yousafzai? While I was reading it said,"Many schools were closed, and few students dared to go to the ones that were open. But Malala went to school every day." This piece shows me that Malala was very brave to go to school in a war zone. It also tells me that Malala was very determined in getting an education. In the sentence before it said that Malala wanted to be a docter and that she would do anything to get a good education. Over all Malala was a very brave and determined person.
