Monday, May 9, 2016

Week 16

Hello readers!!!

For this week's response, please respond using the strategies you've learned in class to the reading you are doing independently, outside of the classroom. It may help you to use the sentence starters

  • In the text when...
  • Makes me think...
  • Because...
Remember that the first part is when you copy directly out of the text (a direct quote). Please use the rubric I attached to help make your response fabulous!

<3 Mrs. Cucinotti


  1. When marigold the unicorn said "There may be something wrong with you" In the book phoebe and her unicorn made me think that marigold was going to be the snotty, fancy, thinks shes better then anyone else type of unicorn. Because marigold has also said other fancy-snotty things like when she said "YOU, are not royalty!" to phoebe. Overall I think marigold is one snotty unicorn.

    1. Good job! Just try to connect this specific evidence (not other things) as a way to prove your idea. :)

  2. I am reading the book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. In the text when it says, "'Charlie didn't charm anything he met! Percy-' She stopped dead, catching her breath with a frightening look at her husband." This made me think that Mrs. Weasley was surprised at herself for mentioning Percy because the Weasleys' are still mad at Percy for not quiting the job with the ministry of magic because his parents were afraid they were telling him nonsense about Dumbedore and Mr. Weasley to try and get them fired from the ministry.

  3. In the book Sunny Side up it says " its just like dale! everyone thinks its a couch ,but its really a bed ! its a big lie!" that makes me think that she thinks that dale is a lier. because she thinks that the hide away bed is a lie . and she said the hide away bed is just like dale .

    1. Great job thinking about your book! Why is this part so important? What does it do to help you understand your book better? I'm just wondering these things for you as a reader. :)

  4. I am reading "Lucky Strike" by Bobbie Pyron. In the text when Nate's friend, Connor, says to him, "You're green as seaweed," made me think that Nate was going to throw up immediately. I thought this because whenever someone looks green, they seem like their sick. Another place in the text when it says, "His legs quivered like jellyfish" made me think that Nate was scared to go on the other ride because that's how people usually feel when their scared.

  5. I am reading the book "Cici Reno" All of her friends think she is a human Magic 8 ball and that she has all the answers to life's problems. Cici is trying to help her friend's crush like her, but on the way Cici discovers she has a thing for him too. Do you wonderif Cici can make Aggie's crush like her? Or will she try to take him for herself? If you do you should consider reading Cici Reno.

    1. I like how you tried to write a recommendation about this book, but I would have liked to see you prove the idea that her friends think she is a Magic 8 ball... this sounds like a great idea!

  6. I am reading " Travel Team " by Mike Lupica and in the text Danny thinks he is too small to make the team and works the hardest and makes the team. But when he gets injured after the biggest game he's ever played he has to give the team support. But when Danny comes back off of his injury he wins the championship for his team.

    1. Hmmm... for your next post, use the prompts I provide in the directions. You are giving a bit of a summary, and at times that is okay, but I would like to see you focus on proving a specific idea for now. :)

  7. I am reading Harry Potter book 1. In the text when it says, "I tried to turn him into a pig",It makes me wonder why he wanted to turn Dudley into a pig. I used context clues to then find out what he meant and I realized Hagrid only turned Dudley into a pig because Dudley was Rude.

  8. I am reading the book My life in pictures and in the story my favorite line is "Sometimes we swam in the ocean of its branches,that was before . Before Yvonne moved away the real monster moved in". Why does she think this well in the story there is a sentence that tells was the kid that moved in is a monster"The kind of monster that scares little kids like the big pest"#her little brother.

    1. This is a very powerful line! In order to make sure you have a full response, be sure to use the prompts I give you in your directions. I look forward to seeing your next post!

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  10. In the book "The Blood of Olympus" when it says "After battling in the underground temple of Hades, the last thing Jason wanted was to deal with more evil spirits. But the fate of the quest was at stake." makes me think that Jason doesn't want to deal/meet any more evil spirits, but he has to so that their quest doesn't fail and he doesn't want to let his friends down.
    -Samaira :)

    1. You're off to a great start... don't forget to explain your thinking with because!! :)

  11. In the book Big Nate Blasts Off my favorite line in the book is "You keep passing it to Ruby." That's my favorite line because Randy and Nate have a crush on this girl named Ruby. They participated in this game called the mud bowl that's when Nate says "you keep passing it to ruby." That's why that is my favorite line.

    1. I'm glad to see you have all the parts of your response; good job! For your next post, try to think a bit deeper; make a prediction or tell me what type of character you are reading about. :)

  12. I’m reading “The House of Hades” and here is what I think of this quote. In the text when it said “Annabeth thought about Hesiod, the old Greek poet who’d speculated it would take 9 days to fall from the earth to Tartarus.” This made me think would it really take 9 days for them to fall to the bottom of the pit. Would they die if it did take 9 days to fall, or would that even matter? This is what this direct quote made me think and what I thought. I really wonder, would they die?

    1. Great; maybe as you read, you can search for the answer to this question. You could even infer the answer based on what does happen when they fall...

  13. I am reading the book Glitter Girl the book is about Kat and she has to pick some friends to try out these new glitter stuff. She came home and had to wait eight hours till the party started she couldn't wait. I think what is going to happening is the girls come over and they get into a big fight saying " why did you invite jules [her best friend ] over i think that was a bad thing to do." I can't wait to keep reading.

    1. Good job Ashley! For your next post, I'd like to see you use the prompts I give you in the directions. Doing this will help you organize your response and will help you make sure you think through your idea completely because I'd love to know why you think the girls will get into a big fight!! :)

  14. I'm reading the book Diary of the wimpy kid the ugly truth. I think it is all about how Greg lost his friend Rowley and he knows that this time Rowley isn't gonna come crawling back. So he's trying his best to stay strong and avoid him while trying to surive school and be cool.

    1. Nice job summarizing this book. However, I'd like to see you use the prompts I give you in the directions. You have a great idea you can prove in this post and I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do next time. :)

  15. I am reading I got a secret and its a candy apple book. And I think the lesson is Lies are like building blocks because a girl goes to camp and wants to be cool and lies about something to everyone at camp including her new best friend , Allie. Her friend at home ,Kate doesn't know about the lie and then things start getting worse. Allie is going to move into the girls and Kate's street. How does the girl keep Kate and Allie away from each other in order to not let the secret spill? I haven't read on but I know the girl has been covering lies with more lies!!! I cant wait to read on!!!

    1. Great idea to respond about the lesson, but remember a lesson is something you learn. What do you think the girl that is lying will learn? Support that with evidence from the text and explain how this evidence proves your thinking!! :)

    2. thx for the tip!!!!

  16. The book I am reading is Athlete VS mathlete and while I was reading I found Some words that i didn't know the meaning to so I used context clues and other strategies. For example "They look phenomenally good." I didnt know what Phenomenally meant so I thought "well, The word good is right after phenomenally so they are probably describing someone who looks very good at something. As I read on i found that that strategy will not always work so I figured out other ways to find out the meaning of words. I can't wait to challenge myself more! RYAN

  17. I am reading Big Nate The Crowd Goes Wild. In the text when Nate keeps playing sports. That makes me think that Nate is just like me, he loves playing sports. I thought of this because I was trying to relate myself to the character and that was one way.

    1. Connections are a great way to understand character actions and behaviors! In the future, when you start your response, pull the exact line from the text that gave you the idea; don't paraphrase it. :)

  18. I am reading Swindle. In the text it said words I didn't know the meaning of. One of those sentences were " with the help of Ben, a few classmates and Mr. Martinez, their teacher, Griffin put together a formal presentation to make to the town council. the word I didn't know was council. The sentence after made it sound like a group of people because it said "They had already decided on their own project. It made sound like a group of people. That is how I found out the meaning of the word council. I am also excited for more methods.

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  20. Week 16:

    In the book I Survived Hurricane Katrina.While reading this book I found some hard words for me. For Example “The Raging Current Tossed Him.” So I thought to myself hmmm… what could this mean as I was wondering I remembered the perfect thing to do. You guessed it, using context clues. I read the rest of the sentence and suddenly found out the meaning of the word Raging. Because in the sentence before it explained how he was in the water of the Hurricane. So I know that he’s in the water. And I know what current means so Raging had to mean pulling and a wild current that tosses you. Overall, Context clues are the best!! :) ._.��

  21. In the book After Dark, I found tricky words. A tricky words were despite. I remembered from school that you should try and chuck the word into bits of little words that you found. I knew had to say it but I did not know what it meant. So all around th word I was looking for contact clues. I finally figured it out and knew what it means know!

  22. I'm so glad you think so! Great job with this response, Jamison!

  23. I found tricky words in my book it is Peculiar, hoi polloi, and cachet. I use at least 5 sentences before the tricky word and at least 5 sentences after the tricky word. So the meanings were:
    1. Peculiar
    something odd or unusual.
    2. Hoi polloi
    commons things (in this case aliens(because of what the book is based on)).
    3. Cachet
    when someone is better than someone else in popularity and its approved in any way.

    1. When you use context clues as a way to respond, please explain to me how you figured out the meaning. Tell me more than you used 5 sentences before and after it. :)

  24. In the book Harry Potter and the Deathly hollows when Harry says Voldemort bad guys appear right in front of him. Ron(harry's friend) said the name was tabooed. I used the text to help me find out what tabooed meant. Then I figured out what it meant after using context clues. It really helped me out.
