Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week 4!

How does the setting in the story affect the characters? 

Sample: The story Wonder is set in a private school Beecher Prep.  In this story, this setting has a very big affect on the main character, August.  August has never been to a public school so he is learning to adjust to his new surroundings and the people in it.  In the text, it talks about August visiting the new school.  August asks a question about what homeroom is.  He says, "Um, what exactly is homeroom, is it like a subject?" I know from my own life that if you've gone to school, you would know what homeroom is, but since August is adjusting, he does not.  August is very brave to be facing this new setting.  I'm hoping that he adjusts as the story continues.  

Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 3!

What is the problem in your story?  
Be sure to support your answer with evidence from the text. 

Sample Response: 
In the story, Wonder, I think the problem is that August is different from everyone else.  I think this is a problem because sometimes, other kids can be mean to people who are different.  I think this is mostly because they don't understand the other person.  In the text it says, "But I know ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds." This quote from the text shows me as the reader that August feels different from the other kids.  I think that in this story, August might embrace who he is and that will help him to feel good about being different.  

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 2!

What book are you reading this week?  Are you enjoying your book?  Why or why not? 

Below, click to add a comment.  It is a good idea to type your comment in google docs or Microsoft word first in case it deletes or the webpage closes.  Be sure to write a thoughtful response that answers the question.  Please remember to use good fourth grade writing (capitals and punctuation).  I can't wait to read what you write.  :) 

Sample Response: This week, I am reading the book Wonder by RJ Palacio.  Although I have already read this book, I am re-reading it to discover new meaning.  I am enjoying this book very much.  I like how the author chooses to change point of view to give the reader a different perspective.  I also like how the author is very descriptive.  It keeps me interested in what I am reading.  

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Week 1

What is your favorite thing about reading? 

In the comments below, write what your favorite thing about reading is.  

Sample Response: My favorite thing about reading is going on a new adventure with each book.  I love getting to put myself in the book and imagine that I am the main character facing different obstacles.  This means that when I finish a book, I am always a bit sad that I have to leave my characters and my story, but I know it also means that a new adventure awaits.