Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 2!

What book are you reading this week?  Are you enjoying your book?  Why or why not? 

Below, click to add a comment.  It is a good idea to type your comment in google docs or Microsoft word first in case it deletes or the webpage closes.  Be sure to write a thoughtful response that answers the question.  Please remember to use good fourth grade writing (capitals and punctuation).  I can't wait to read what you write.  :) 

Sample Response: This week, I am reading the book Wonder by RJ Palacio.  Although I have already read this book, I am re-reading it to discover new meaning.  I am enjoying this book very much.  I like how the author chooses to change point of view to give the reader a different perspective.  I also like how the author is very descriptive.  It keeps me interested in what I am reading.  


  1. I am independently reading Upside Down Magic. I am really enjoying it because it is a fiction book which means there is a chance of there being a unicorn involved, but no unicorn so far. Upside Down Magic is a little below my reading level so next time I will pick a higher level book. I recommend this book to anyone who likes funny books and unicorns. I cam not wait to keep reading!

  2. I am reading Super Fudge. I am liking the book I just finished the book and I really like it because it is very funny. Also, I like it because it is a little above my reading level but I like to challenge myself. Lastly, I like reading it because the charters have a type of personality and Fudge is funny and annoys Peter the big brother. Peter gets annoyed of Fudge a lot! I recommend this book to people that like funny and great books, now I am reading Double Fudge! I can't wait to read this book!!!!

  3. I am reading Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix. I enjoy reading this book because of the adventures of the book and the jokes they tell. Also i think this book is a little bit above my reading level so i can challenge my self. Also I can watch the movies to the book after I read the book. So far their is 3 books left in the seirs. So close!

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  5. I am reading a book called A journey to a different dimension. I am really enjoying it because it really catches my attention and it has my favorite game Minecraft involved and it also has parts that are happy and sad which make me fell like I am in the story. I am not done with the book but I am still reading it and I would tell a lot of people who like video games about this because it is a happy and pleasant book that many people would love.

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  7. I am reading the book The Last Present and I enjoy the series because it has magic involved and it is adventurous because they go back in time and that is very cool that the characters get to do that.I wish we can do that today!
    I would recommend this series to anyone who likes magic tings band people who likes interesting books too!

    1. Spelling Mistake: I would recommend this series to anyone who likes magic things and people who like interesting books too!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This week I am reading Drop Dead Gorgeous by Elizabeth Lenhard. I really like this book because I like books with a twist. The main character Rachel tries to be nice to the new girl Lily but before she realizes Lily is actually a zombie. Rachel needs to work hard so Lily doesn’t end up eating her brains. I can’t wait to find out what happens next.

  9. I am reading Smile today By Raina Telgemeier. I think that this book shows a lot of good detail about the main character and the problems that she faces! When I finish this book I hope to read the second book "Sisters". I recommend this book to anyone who loves reading!

  10. I am reading Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix. I enjoy reading this book because of the adventures of the book and the jokes they tell. Also i think this book is a little bit above my reading level so i can challenge my self. Also I can watch the movies to the book after I read the book. So far their is 3 books left in the series. So close!

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  12. I am reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I like this book because it is jam-packed with action details and because it is a fantasy book. I can't wait to finish this book so I can move on to the next one in the series. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes wizards, owls, and fantasy!

  13. I am reading 'The Red Pyramid' by Rick Riordan, who is also the author of 'Percy Jackson'. I like this book because it is filled from cover-to-cover with interesting adventures and also because the two main characters are brother and sister, and in the book it is that some chapters are from the brother's point of view and some chapters are from the sisters point of view. Another reason I like this book is because it is a series book, and I love series books. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to read adventure books.

  14. I am reading “Sisters”by:Raina Telgemeier.It is a funny book.I enjoyed this book a lot because i have older sister too. My two favorite part in the book is when Raina sees Mango, the snake in the car on the way home.Raina doesn’t like snakes because when she was small,she stepped on a snake.My seacond favorite is when Raina asked Amara if the fish had died and Amara started to cry and Raina’s mom yelled at Raina.Sometimes I do that to get my sister is trouble. I recommend this book to people who have sisters.

  15. Im reading the book I Totally Funniest by: James Patterson. Im enjoying the book because its funny and its the right level for me, also its a good book for a fourth grader to be reading.
    This book gets alot of funny thoughts going on in my head. I can’t wait to see whats going to happen next.

  16. I am reading the Lost Hero in the series The Hero's of Olympus by Rick Riordan who is also the author of the Kane Chronicles and the Percy Jackson series. I like this series because it is a just right book and it is very long so I wouldn’t be finishing it in 1 week. This book is an adventure book about 3 people on an adventure to save the world! These people are Jason, Leo, and Piper. This book I would recommend this book to people that like action and adventure. I can't wait to see what happens next!

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  18. I am reading a book called The terrible two.I am really liking the book it is really funny it talks about cows and in a funny way and in some parts it just says moo it cracks me up.In the beggining Miles moves and has to go to a diffrent school and at his old school he was a prankster and he wanted to be the biggest here too.So when he gets to school the principals car was on the steps so nowon could get through and that school has never canceled school so the principal let the kids clime through his car and everyone thought it was miles.

  19. I am reading Super Fudge by Judy Blume it is about when Peter Hatcher's mom has a baby called Tootsie and Peter's mom and dad want to move to Princeton but Peter doesn't want to go.

  20. I am reading Super Fudge by Judy Blume. I am enjoying it because I like how Peter's mom is going to have a baby named Tootsie and peter doesn't want a new baby sister. Also they are going to move to Princeton but he doesn't want to move.

  21. I'm reading Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson. I am enjoying it a lot because it has a lot of humor in the book.I also like the idea of having a 7 year old boy(Calvin)who acts like a third grader butt he is full of mischief and has a crazy imagination but Hobbes is a stuffed tiger full of laughs and mystery. Shreyas Sundararaman

  22. I am reading diary of a wimpy kid old school by Jeff Kinny I like reading this book because It's like I'm pictureing the book in my mind like am Greg. Another thing why Ilike ereading this book is when Greg's grandpa and him drive away from his house. Also is when he goes to this trip to Hardscrabble farms and he is hearing that there is a monster in the camp. Pabbu Neelam

  23. I am reading The Land of Stories the wishing spell by Chris Colfer. I am enjoying it because it is a fairytale book and I love fairytale books. What I also love is when they fall into the Land of Stories. I can't wait to finish the Land of Stories.

  24. The book that I'm reading is named Jim and Me. I like Jim and Me because it's about baseball and baseball is my favorite sport. I also like how the book is about a kid who goes back in time and meets Jim Thorp. Another thing I like about this book is that it's part of a big series of stories so that means I can read all of the books in the series. [Luke Billings]

  25. I am reading the book,"Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix". I enjoy reading this book because it makes me laugh, and feel adventurous, and creative. Also you're not reading about everyday things, which is fun. The author, J.K Rowling, creates a whole new world that makes me feel like I am the main character.
