Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week 4!

How does the setting in the story affect the characters? 

Sample: The story Wonder is set in a private school Beecher Prep.  In this story, this setting has a very big affect on the main character, August.  August has never been to a public school so he is learning to adjust to his new surroundings and the people in it.  In the text, it talks about August visiting the new school.  August asks a question about what homeroom is.  He says, "Um, what exactly is homeroom, is it like a subject?" I know from my own life that if you've gone to school, you would know what homeroom is, but since August is adjusting, he does not.  August is very brave to be facing this new setting.  I'm hoping that he adjusts as the story continues.  


  1. I ' m reading Melonhead and the setting affects the character because everyone is so nicely behaved since the president lives there. It also effects the character because they have no inspiration for the science fair. Melonhead is very bored there because they have nothing to do there. Melonhead and Sam are always getting in trouble.

  2. I am reading the book called Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and the setting affects the character because he is stuck with his mean Uncle and Aunt . Harry is feeling mad and scared about his setting because Harry thinks that his friends are together and are having fun without him. The reason he is scared is because dementors are in his town and are sucking the happiness out of people.

  3. I am reading Emily Windsnap and the sirens secret set back in Brightport where she used to live before she found out that she was a mermaid. The setting effects Emily because now she has to deal with Mandy her archrival. Also she is trying to sort out her feelings towards her new "friend" Aaron. And at the same time Neptune has her trying to bring humans and merpeople together. Emily is certainly has her fins full.

  4. I am reading the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The setting of this book alternates throughout the book but what I notice is how Harry acts when he is with his mean cousin, aunt, and uncle. The reason he acts different is because when he is at his school and friends they don’t treat him like he is invisible. Harry reacts to this not in a bad way but gets really mad. His family is not nice to him because they don’t like the fact that he is a wizard and threatens their “Precious Dudley” their son. I think Harry likes hogwarts way better than having to live with his mean family. I can tell because it was Harry’s birthday and the Dursleys (his aunt and uncle) did not say anything or give him any presents. While Harry went outside Dudley came out and told Harry how he knew it was his birthday. Harry got really angry and scared Dudley by saying “ Hocus Pocus” Dudley got really scared because Harry can do magic without even thinking.

  5. I am reading the book Famous five and so far I notice that they are in a snowy place by their house. The snowy setiing is affecting the four main characters because they all are all sick and they have a cold from the winter. Their school starts next week which makes them feel furious Something that I also noticed is that the setting, and how it is affecting the characters also seems to be the problem of the story. The famous five and most of the books by this author don't really alternate or change through out the story though the books are still very fun to read and I used to read them when I was little but I did not really get the idea of the story so I decided to wait a couple of years and I read them now. The characters are also mad because they were going to go a place to ski and do fun stuff but now they can't because they are sick so they have to stay home. When the doctor came he suggested that maybe they could go to the beach to ski because it would be a little warmer there and if there was a slope there they would be and luck because they would have a lot of fun skiing there. That is all I read so far and I will be sure to read more of this book soon and write it in my reading log

  6. I am reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban. The setting of this book takes place in Hogwarts castle for wizards and witches.In this book Harry is the main character along with his best friends Ron and Hermione. I think this impacts Harry because, Harry is not your ordinary boy and his school that he goes to is not even the slightest bit ordinary either. His school is filled with ghosts,other students ,teachers ,and mail owls.I am almost done with this story and can't wait until I figure out the other adventures lurking in this fantastic book.

  7. In the book Fudge a mania, The setting is the woods in Main. The setting affects the characters because they have had a lot of good times there and bad times. One good time is that they are going to Main and that they lost Uncle Feather, but they have found him. So Fudge was happy about that. One bad thing that happened was that they lost Uncle Feather and that Peter found out that Sheila Tubman was staying in the house next door! But Peter is happy that he's got his friend with him, Jimmy Fargo and Turtle. Meanwhile, Fudge is planning on marrying Sheila, that effects Fudge because he think that is is real and Sheila knows that she is just playing along with Fudge. I can't wait to keep reading!

  8. I'm reading (Middle School How I Survived Bullies Broccoli And Snake Hill) I like this book because it is the second book of the series,and I liked the first book of the series,it has some really funny parts.That's why I like this book.

  9. In the story Wonder by R.J Palacio Jack is affected by the setting because he is in a private school.
    Everyone thinks that if you go to a private school you must be rich. But Jack and his parents are not.
    They were talking about a junky sledding mountain and this is what it says “I left my old sled there,” says Miles. “It was the crappiest piece of junk- and someone took it, too!” “Maybe a hobo wanted to go sledding!” said Julian” And later in the text it says “I just wanted to get away from them fast. I didn’t want anyone to know I was the “hobo” who had taken the sled.” Jack must have felt very bad because he was the one who took the sled. This is how the story affects the character in Wonder.

  10. In the book In To The Killing Seas the two brothers Patrick and Teddy are probably really scared and stressed and the setting affects how they feel. I Think it is because in the text it says “if Stenkevitz found us in the crate, he would turn us in and Benny would be in a lot of trouble. Probably they’d lock him up in the “brim” . Another, reason I think they were scared and stressed is because they were locked up in a crate on a ship after a terrorized attack and it is very scary in there.

  11. I am reading Big Nate. The setting really effects Nate like how when he is at school he says "I hate my teachers." Also when he is at baseball he says "I'm bored." He says that because he plays the outfield. I think that he will start to like his teachers besides his art teacher because Nate already likes Mr.Rosa his art teacher

  12. I'm reading The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg. The setting effects Homer because if he wasn't where the war is he wouldn't be scared or freaked out about his brother getting shot. Also he wouldn't be scared of someone from the south making him a slave and trapping him. My last reason is homer is freaked out because he decided and promised him self that he would get his brother Harold and Harold was going into war that day.

  13. I am reading the book Fudge-a-mania.The setting affects the main character,Peter Hatchet.The problem is that the queen of cooties (Sheila Tubman) has to live next to Peter.This is a problem when they get there. “So Sheila where is my house.We are sharing one because the two houses are connected,”said Sheila.I can relate to this because I know that when I think
    I am right but then I find out I am not right.I recommend this book to people who like reading funny book.

  14. I am reading the book 'The Titan's Curse'. The setting affects my main character,Percy.
    The setting affects by:
    First, they are saying some people and Percy's best friend, Annebeth, gets thrown of a cliff by a monster and Percy is heartbroken.Then, Bianca takes something for her brother, Nico, but then a monster chases them and Bianca dies while trying to save everyone, and Percy loses another friend. Lastly, since Percy is the son of Poseidon, the greek god of water or the ocean, whenever percy is in the ocean it do whatever he wants it to. Such as, heal him, make a bubble so that even humans can stay under water for a long time, control waves and etc. I recommend this book to whoever likes adventure, mystery, or fantasy.
    -Samaira Singh

  15. oops I meant saving

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  17. I'm reading the book "I survived the shark attack of 1916". Chet is having hard times in Elm Hills and it all starts with his three best friends (Monty,Dewy and Sid). Monty,Dewy and Sid where kids that liked to play pranks on people and they pulled a real bad prank on Chet. Sid pretended to be a shark and Monty and Dewy pretended to drown. This affected Chet because there was a rampaging shark in the Jersey shore so he thought the current swept the shark into the lake. I can't wait to find out more.

  18. I am reading The Land of Stories. The setting is affecting Alex and Conner because they got stuck in The Land of Stories and they want to go home. They want to go home because they jumped into their grandmothers' book called The Land of Stories. So they are trying to find away to get out of the book and go home and see their mom and grandmom.

  19. I am reading Codename Zero by Chris Rylander. The setting in this book is at North Dakota in a regular life routine. The main character's name is Carson. I know the setting affects the character because in North Dakota, there are people who wander around and A person in a black suit comes up to Carson. Carson doesn't know the person, but he tells Carson to bring a package to one of the teachers Mr. Jensen. In the text it says "You must deliver this to Mr. Jensen. It must go only to Mr. Jensen, you understand? Trust no one." The guy warns him, to not open the package, but once Carson gets home, he opens it anyway because it is so tempting. Soon, he realizes it's a talking computer. The computer says hello and Carson presses continue. Then it says it will self-destruct if Carson doesn't find the secret agency that's coming his way. that night he can't sleep because he keeps thinking how the computer will self-destruct and he is really scared.

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    2. I think this affects the character because it says this in the the book "Even the air feels different here, it feels like the air is thinner or thicker or something"Bree thought. That quote explains that Bree is already feeling uncomfortable as for her sister,Melanie is feeling happy and bouncy about the campground.

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  21. I am reading Every Soul A Star by Wendy Mass. The main setting in my story is a campground. My characters Bree and Ally's parents decide to move into each other's home. Before all the moving drama Bree used to live in a city and Ally used to live in a campground.Both Ally and Bree don't want to live in each other's home because they are not familiar with it. So they both decide to come up with a plan together to get their parents to change their minds.I think they will eventually end up in place they wanted to be!!!
