Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Week 1

What is your favorite thing about reading? 

In the comments below, write what your favorite thing about reading is.  

Sample Response: My favorite thing about reading is going on a new adventure with each book.  I love getting to put myself in the book and imagine that I am the main character facing different obstacles.  This means that when I finish a book, I am always a bit sad that I have to leave my characters and my story, but I know it also means that a new adventure awaits.  


  1. My favorite thing about reading is the adventure that the main character faces with the secondary characters. Also the sires that I am reading once I finish a book theirs another one until you reach the last book. Then you can read the movies

    1. Ryan,
      I also enjoy the adventure that you can go one with a character when reading a book. You make a great point that reading a series of books allows you to keep going with the adventure. Thanks for sharing your thinking. :)

  2. My favorite thing about reading is when you have to stop reading for some reason and you cant wait to find out what will happen next. For example once I was reading before bed and I was at a part in my book when something really exciting is about to happen but then my mom came into my room and said I had to go to bed. I was sad but excited to keep reading in the morning.

    1. Kaitlyn,
      I agree that there is always a certain excitement in having to put down a book and knowing you will get to come back to it. I feel the same way when I read. I'm glad you also shared an example of what you meant to help us understand. Thank you for sharing your thinking. :)

  3. My favorite thing about reading is when I see something funny and when the book makes me laugh. I think this because funny books are more interesting for me like diary of a wimpy or other funny books. Something I do when the book is funny is I show it to my friends

    1. Ayan,
      I also really like books that are funny. I find that they keep me more engaged and interested in what I am reading. We will be starting our book talks this week so you can share the books you are reading. Thank you for sharing your thinking. :)

  4. I like reading books for many reasons I will like tell you why. I like nonfiction books because they help you learn and it gives you very cool facts. I also like fiction books because they tell you about the past. That is why I like reading.

    1. I'm glad to hear that you give yourself the opportunity to read different genres of books. I think there are definitely great qualities to both of these genres. Thank you for sharing your thinking. :)

  5. I love reading because I am passionate about it. I read about 2 hours each day.
    My favorite thing about reading is that I discover more adventures in each book.
    Such as Mysteries and Magic. Once I start reading a new book I am glued to it.
    Like if I am reading a book and my teacher wants us to stop reading I can't because it is better than I thought. My favorite series is by Wendy Mass. 11 Birthdays, Finally, 13 Gifts, The Last Present, and Graceful. I recommend it. Hopefully you will find it as a good story!!!! Happy Reading!

    1. Pavitra,
      I agree that it can be hard to put down your book when you are really engaged in what you are reading. I have that problem too. I haven't read that series by Wendy Mass, but I plan on reading it soon. It's been highly recommended. Thank you for sharing your thinking about reading. :)

  6. My favorite part about reading is reading about all different kinds of books. The most fun part about reading is reading good books and reading just right books. I also like reading because it is good to read for any type of job. Lastly, I like reading because it is fun and good to read. When it is time to leave I am sad, but I will read later!

    1. Ava,
      Thank you for sharing your thinking about reading. I like reading different genres of books too. I feel that there are many different things I can learn from each of the genres. I also agree that finding a just right book is a great way to stay engaged in what you are reading.

  7. My favorite thing about reading is how there is different kinds of books like action and mystery.I also like how much you can get into books like say you really like this book you read it so much then say you don't like the book you don't read it that much you don't want to read it.And the books i love is football and action and comedy i am reading a football book and a comedy.

    1. Justin,
      I am glad that you are enjoying the books that you are currently reading. A great way to pick a just right book is to start with your interests so that's a great strategy. Action and mystery are both great genres to read. Thank you for sharing your thinking. :)

  8. What I like about reading is reading realistic fiction books, and I feel like I am carried away into the book and I am the main character, and I can't imagine how the actual main character looks.

    1. Navneet,
      I also enjoy reading realistic fiction books. I agree that they are the easiest ones to connect with and place yourself in. When I am reading, I always try to picture the main character in my mind. I use some details from the book and add those to my background knowledge to paint a mental picture. Thanks for sharing your thinking. :)

  9. I like books because you get to learn about how the character feels and what they like and dislike.They are always with details and are so interesting. While some books are sad some are happy! This is why I love books!

    1. Matthew,
      I'm so glad to hear that you love to read. It sounds like you do a great job of placing yourself in the character's shoes and seeing what they like and dislike. I sometimes like to read books that don't have a lot of details so that I can create an image in my mind. Thank you for sharing your thinking. :)

  10. My favorite thing about reading is when I start a new book because I like to find out about the adventue the character main character faces.

    1. Jack,
      I am glad that you enjoy starting lots of new books. The adventure that the character faces can always be exciting to thing to read about. Thank you for sharing your thinking. :)

  11. My favorite thing about reading is making predictions of what might happen next in the book or what the problem is because it is fun to guess what might happen. Also, because it feels cool when you get your prediction right.

    1. Luke,
      Making predictions is a great reading strategy to use. I think that it is also fun to guess what might happen next. It's definitely a good feeling when your prediction is right, but I also like the surprise that I feel when I've gotten it wrong and something different happens. Thank you for sharing your thinking. ;)

  12. My favorite thing about reading is that you can learn a lot of things. Also I can read about things I like and that is sports. Also it is really fun because I already know a lot about it and I learn a lot about it.

    1. Tyler,
      Thank you for sharing your thinking. It is definitely a good starting point to read about something you are interested in. To learn more about a topic, it might be a good idea to read a non fiction book, but you can learn a lot from fiction books as well. :)

  13. My favorite thing about reading is that once you start reading you feel like your actully there watching the scenes happening.Reading brings me to a magical place in the books setting.

    1. Megan,
      I love getting to visalize events that are happening in a story when I am reading. It's like getting to go to the movies all the time. Thanks for sharing your thinking. I'm happy to hear that reading is magical! :)

  14. My favorite thing about reading is when you predict something will happen but then something so different from what you predicted happened. I also love when your so into the book it's like it's my real life.That's my favorite thing about reading because I love reading so much.

    1. Ashley,
      I love the surpise of prediction something and then seeing something else happen. It always makes me think and question which is a great reading strategy. Thanks for sharing your thinking. :)

  15. What I like about reading is when you are reading book with no picture is you can image what the characters are doing in the book or look like because when I read books with no pictures

    1. Shreyas,
      I agree that when you read a book with no pictures it's a great chance to visualize what is happening. I love creating a movie in my mind for each book I read. Thank you for sharing your thinking. :)

  16. My favorite thing about reading is getting pulled in and wanting to know whats going to happen next. I love how much you can't wait until you get to the best part.I love how you can wait until the next book of the series comes out. I don't like to stop reading a book because then you have to wait until you find another book pulls you in like that other one you loved.

  17. My favorite thing about reading is to read about what happened in the past that could happen in the future. In a fairy tale I love to see how things can come true. I love to go on adventures while reading. My favorite type of genre is realistic fiction. My favorite book is the accidental cheerleader and Her Evil Twin.They are both by Mimi McCoy who is my favorite author!

  18. My favorite thing about reading is to read and then write a response.Another thing l do is about reading is to while i am reading is to write a question. Another thing to do is while reading is write what is happening

  19. My favorite thing about reading is pedicuring whats going to happen next and why that happened.

  20. My favorite thing about reading is when there is a problem and Events and solution. Another reason is that when you sink in the book like the is interesting. Another thing is when the characters have expressions when something happens. That's my favorite thing about reading.

  21. What I like about reading is imaging the picture in my mind and reading the books and I love the interesting books and the parts in the books I read.

  22. My favorite thing about reading is finding good info about a book and then writing responses about them.

  23. What I like about reading is that when I read my books I imagine the scene I just read while sleeping.

  24. My favorite part about reading is that if it is a good book, I feel like i'm in the story.

  25. I'm reading drop dead gorgeous. My favorite part is when zombies were attacking everyone and they attacked Rachel's friend and she was about to get eaten.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am reading “Sisters”by:Raina Telgemeier.It is a funny book.I enjoyed this book a lot because i have older sister too. My two favorite part in the book is when Raina sees Mango, the snake in the car on the way home.Raina doesn’t like snakes because when she was small,she stepped on a snake.My seacond favorite is when Raina asked Amara if the fish had died and Amara started to cry and Raina’s mom yelled at Raina.Sometimes I do that to get my sister is trouble. I recommend this book to people who have sisters.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I am reading The Great Ball of Light by Evan Kohlman. The book is about two twins who find a ball of light in the middle of their yard. The setting in this book is at a farm. I like this book because I like what it is about, and I like how the author makes this book descriptive, which makes it really long.
