Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 3!

What is the problem in your story?  
Be sure to support your answer with evidence from the text. 

Sample Response: 
In the story, Wonder, I think the problem is that August is different from everyone else.  I think this is a problem because sometimes, other kids can be mean to people who are different.  I think this is mostly because they don't understand the other person.  In the text it says, "But I know ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds." This quote from the text shows me as the reader that August feels different from the other kids.  I think that in this story, August might embrace who he is and that will help him to feel good about being different.  


  1. In the book The Lightning Thief the problem is Zeus's master bolt is missing and Zeus is accusing Percy of stealing it. To solve this problem Percy must find the bolt and bring it back to Zeus or there will be a war. I know this because in the blurb it says " Zeus's master bolt has been stolen and Percy is the prime suspect. I cant wait to find out what happens next!

  2. By Ryan Kaus In the book Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix. Harry his friends, their families Dumledor, Miganagol, Snape, and Moody and all the other good guys{the last four are teachers from this school}are protecting him from the dark lord who killed his parents{ the dark lord tried killing Harry when he was a baby but it only left a scar}. The dark lord is still trying to get Harry. I know this is a problem because in the text when dudley{Harry’s cousin}said “are your parents Dead” “are they”{Dudley is bullying Harry with this gang in the park}the sky turned dark it started to thunder and rain and it got very cold{Dudley's gang left}.Harry and Dudley ran under a bridge. Then two dark hooded creatures{aka dementors. They suck your soul out of you and possibly kill you}appeared out of nowhere and started sucking their souls out of them.And some of the dementors are controlled by the dark lord who wants to kill Harry.{the dementors aren't supposed to be in the muggle world. A muggle is a non magical person}I know this is a problem because the dementors are supposed to be controlled by the good guys.

  3. The problem in Kickoff is that Tiki and Ronde Barber both love playing football. But when they go to junior high they become backups. Tiki said" No!" when he found out that he was a backup. He thought he was never going to play but people said he would. Tiki's brother said the same thing when he found out he was a backup. He also thought the same thing as his brother Tiki but people said that he would play too. I think that someone will get hurt so they can play and they will do really well.

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  5. I'm reading Wonder. And the problem is that no one wants to be his friend and everyone stares at him in class. But when he's at lunch a nice girl name Summer and is very nice to him they talked all through lunch but when he found out that she was one of the girls staring and whispering about him he's a little disappointed in her. Another problem is that there is a mean kid that talked to him while he was taking the said what 's wrong with your face did it get into a fire? And August got really sad. I can't wait to find out what happens next!

  6. In the book, I Funny by: James Patterson the main problem is the big bully Stevie Kosgrov, Jamie finds out that Stevie is his adoptive brother and Jamie will have to do his best not to get thrown out of his wheelchair like other previous times. One thing Jamie did to help another person get out of being bullied by Stevie he told a joke to make him laugh,
    ‘’ Say did you hear about the kidnapping? says Jamie “ no” says Stevie “ Don’t worry he woke up!” The kid that Stevie was bullying immediately started laughing. Jamie has to learn to get used to living with the big bad bully!

  7. This week I am reading the story Drop Dead Gorgeous. I think the problem is that Lily went full zombie and is trying to eat Rachel and her friend’s in Slayton. This is the problem because Rachel and her friends can’t get eaten because they all will become zombies just like Lily. They also can’t get eaten because they are performing in a school show where all the residents of Slayton will be. In the text it says, “The group fanned out on the search for zombie food but before they got very far- Boom, boom, Crash! Lily splintered the heavy barn doors and landed inside the building, her arms outstretched like claws, her mouth wide open howling!” Rachel has to protect herself and her friend’s in Slayton before they all become zombies too. I can’t wait to read what happens next with Rachel and her zombie friend!

  8. In the book Double Fudge, the problem is that Fudge wants money but his parents won't just give him money so Fudge comes up with an idea and he makes his own money, Fudge Bucks. Soon Fudge wants to buy everything starting with New York City. Here is a pice from the text " How much would it cost to buy New York.'' Fudge said. Soon Fudge starts to ask to buy toys with Fudge bucks and he gets mad when people start to say that he can't buy stuff with Fudge bucks. I can't wait to keep on reading!

  9. In the book called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone the problem is that a very evil wizard who is called Lord Voldemort wants to steal the stone and become immortal to life. Which means that he can continue his evil ways even when Harry Potter dies( if he doesn't defeat Lord Voldemort first).

  10. The book I am currently reading is called Graceful by Wendy Mass. The problem in my story is that Angelina has magic and has left town. She gives nine year old Grace her powers and warns her about the big thing that will affect the whole town. Nobody knows what the big thing is but Grace has to find a way to stop what's coming to protect the town. And if that isn't bad enough someone has control of the power. And everything Angelina did to help the people of the town is slowly unraveling. Grace's friends, Tara, Amanda, Leo, Ray,and Rory has met Angelina and knows all the strange things they have been through with her. Now everyone has to find a way to stop the person who is controlling the power. I think this is the problem in my book because I found this quote in the text: " You don't think Angelina's behind the magic unraveling". Tara said "Do you"?
    This quote explains that the magic is fading away. I think the solution to this problem is to find out who touched Grace last because her whole body is filled with power so if someone touched her then that person has full control of the power. How could this get any worse?
    Life in Willow Falls will change Forever!!!

  11. In Letters From Rifka, Rifka and her family are trying to escape from Russia. They escape and move to Poland for a while , Rifka is sick with ringworm and she can't go to America with the rest of her family. So they take her to Belgium to her treatment . I think the problem in this story is that, people are forced to leave their family's because they have deadly sicknesses , because in the text it says "Mr. and Mrs. Nebrot, you and your two sons can leave for America as planned ,but Rifka must stay until her ringworm heals" This text evidence proves that people have to leave their family's because they have bad sicknesses .Now Rifka has to go through hard times by herself,and misses her family dearly.

  12. In the story The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan there is a very big problem. The god Thantos has been captured by monsters. Thantos kept the doors of death closed but now that he is captured souls keep escaping. So that means that dead person's soul will return to their body and the person comes back to life. Because Thantos is captured, the main character Jason cannot defeat the monsters because they keep coming back to life and are trying to destroy everything. It also means that Jason and his friends Leo, and Piper cannot be defeated either. I have not yet found the solution. That is the problem in The Lost Hero.

  13. I'm reading Fudge-A-Maina by Judy Blume.The problem in the story is Peter and his family have to live with Sheila and her family.Peter and Sheila both hate each other.I think this is a problem because in the book Peter said the idea of spending three weeks next door to Sheila and her family was enough to take away my appetite.I think this is a problem because Peter and Sheila are going to live together for three weeks in Maine

  14. I am reading Calvin and Hobbes Weirdos from another planet and there are a lot of comics in this. My favorite part out of all the comics was when he wanted to get mailed Australia because he did not want his nanny to baby sit him. One quote he said was" I want to go to Australia, just leave me at the front door," said Calvin. The problem is that his nanny keeps on doing mean things to Calvin like making him eat weird stuff or making him go to bed early and she kept on shouting at him for no reason. I recommend making people with a sense of humor read this and if you like comics because this really makes me laugh. And sorry that I could not underline the title

  15. The problem in my story is there is a doll named princes Mimi aka mean Mimi. She thinks she is the ruler of all dolls. There are three dolls are on her side, their names are Sandra doll, sleeping billy and Techroman . Sandra doll is a big big doll that is only on mean mimis side because mimi has her blanket and because sleeping billy is there. When the good dolls Tiffany and Annabelle go home from mean mimis house they found out that mean mimi followed them home so they try to hide her so the humans don’t get suspicious, but mean mimi gets lost.

  16. I am reading The Terrible Two and there are a lot of funny jokes in this book.The problom in this book is that the main cracter Miles is going to pull a big prank on the school by making up a person and inviting people to the made up person's birthday party and that made up person's name is Cody Burr Tyler .Once the principal shows up Miles thinks that the principal cot him so he gets reddy to run but then the principal says happy birthday to Cody Burr Tyler and Miles was so happy that the principal did not find out. I suggest this book to people who like jokes or like cows. It talks a lot about cows and sorry i could not under line the title.

  17. In the book "The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg" the problem is that Homer's brother got sold into the army. I think that is the problem because since Homer's brother got sold into the army, Homer went after his brother to buy him out and bring him home. Another reason is Homer's brother is the only family he has left because his mom and dad past away. In the book, Homer thought "In the dark I feel the eyes of the forest upon me, and it keeps my heart thumping so hard and fast my ear's are hot." That shows that Homer is scared when he's not with his brother Harold. Homer is alone living with his mean uncle now that Harold is in the army. [Luke Billings]

  18. I am reading A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. This book has two stories that actually happened in the past. The first one is about girl named Nya who is struggling to get water from a pond that is miles away from where she lives, and the second story is about a boy named Salva who gets separated from his parents a day a war starts. I know this is the problem because in the text, Salva says to himself, "Where are we going? Where is my family? When will I see them again?". In the story about Nya, I know that is happening because in the text it says "With the water balanced on her head, and her foot still sore from the thorn, Nya knew that going home would take longer than coming had." Now I know that each kid in each story is struggling a lot. That is what I think the problem is in both stories.

  19. I’m reading the book named: I Totally Funniest. And the problem in my story is that the main character (Jamie) needs to get past all the rounds to become the The Kids Funniest Kid In The World! But before he does that theres alot of obstacles that Jamie needs to face such as…
    Family members being hurt which caused him to miss a competition but get a wildcard pick to the next round,another obstacle he had to face is thinking that he is the best and gets all of the things he wants. Which caused him to almost lose friends.

  20. In the book ‘The Red Pyramid’, the problem is that Sadie and Carter’s dad release Set,The Red God and then Set captures their father. Another problem is that their father has been captured so Sadie and Carter have to save their dad and stop Set before it is his birthday or else their dad will be gone forever and Set will destroy the continent. These are problems because during the journey they face has many challenges that are so hard to get past that if they make even one mistake they can die. In the book it says “To save their father, they must embark on a dangerous journey — a quest that brings them even closer to the truth about their family and its links to the House of Life, a secret order that has existed since the time of the pharaohs.”
    - Samaira Singh #20

  21. I'm reading "I survived the shark attack of 1916". Chet is just getting used to Elm Hills. He has three good friends or so he thinks but Chets main problem is when he hears about the shark. In the text it said " Rampaging shark in jersey shore killed 23 year old swimming in ocean". I cant wait to read more about it(shreyas)

  22. I'm reading "I survived the shark attack of 1916". Chet is just getting used to Elm Hills. He has three good friends or so he thinks but Chets main problem is when he hears about the shark. In the text it said " Rampaging shark in jersey shore killed 23 year old swimming in ocean". I cant wait to read more about it(shreyas)

  23. Mrs. Yonkers is Bonkers!
    In the book Mrs. Yonkers is Bonkers, I think that the problem is that Mr. Klutz takes away candy from the school and they try to get there candy back but AJ sneaks candy into school. He can't because an alert goes off and he gets busted by a police officer and Mr. Klutz stop him. Mrs. Yonkers helps AJ in the solution.

  24. I am reading Big Nate in a class by himself , The problem in this book is when Nate get's a fortune that says today you will suprise all others. But he dosen't know how the fortune will come true everytime he gets in trouble when he tries to do something. For example, it says in the book "Now thats what I call a fortune." I chse that evidece because thats when he gets the good fortune. Thats why I chse that book.

  25. I am reading the book The Talented Clementine By Sara Pennypacker.One problem in the story is on the day when the talient show is and Clementine still doesn’t have a talent because her dad tells her Willy cannot be a dog.One piece of text evidence from the book is “No,I’m definitely not going to tell your mom.But we are definitely not bringing your brother to that rehearsal.Because he’s definitely not going to be up on that stage on a leash”,said dad. I predict he said that because one,he didn’t want Clementine to put a leash on her brother and second,he thought that it would look good. One more problem is when Margaret’s teacher’s daughter had a baby and she had to go.So Mrs. Rice asked Clementine if she could help her get everyone on stage in time.I recommend this book to my class.

  26. I’m reading the book Wonder by: R.J Palacio and the setting is in the private school Beecher Prep and this affects the main character (August) because there's a lot of kids that he doesn’t want to see his face. Because in the text it says “Why is your hair so long?” asked Julian I didn’t know what to say that’s why I just shrugged. It also say’s in the text “What’s wrong with your face?” asked Julian.” And that’s why he doesn't really want people to see him and his face. Because they would either make fun of him or whisper and point.
